Runtime Configuration Variables List

Kamailio Development Team

Table of Contents

1. Configuration Variables for core
2. Configuration Variables for tcp
3. Configuration Variables for carrierroute
4. Configuration Variables for dbg
5. Configuration Variables for dispatcher
6. Configuration Variables for registrar
7. Configuration Variables for malloc_test
8. Configuration Variables for maxfwd
9. Configuration Variables for outbound
10. Configuration Variables for registrar
11. Configuration Variables for rtpengine
12. Configuration Variables for sctp
13. Configuration Variables for siputils
14. Configuration Variables for stun
15. Configuration Variables for tm
16. Configuration Variables for websocket
17. Configuration Variables for xlog

Chapter 1.  Configuration Variables for core

1. core.debug

debug level.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

2. core.log_facility

syslog facility, see "man 3 syslog".

Default value: 24.

Type: string.

3. core.memdbg

log level for memory debugging messages.

Default value: 4.

Type: integer.

4. core.use_dst_blacklist

enable/disable destination blacklisting.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

5. core.dst_blacklist_expire

how much time (in s) a blacklisted destination is kept in the list.

Default value: 60.

Type: integer.

6. core.dst_blacklist_mem

maximum shared memory amount (in KB) used for keeping the blacklisted destinations.

Default value: 250.

Type: integer.

7. core.dst_blacklist_udp_imask

blacklist event ignore mask for UDP.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

8. core.dst_blacklist_tcp_imask

blacklist event ignore mask for TCP.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

9. core.dst_blacklist_tls_imask

blacklist event ignore mask for TLS.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

10. core.dst_blacklist_sctp_imask

blacklist event ignore mask for SCTP.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

11. core.dns_try_ipv6

enable/disable IPv6 DNS lookups.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

12. core.dns_try_naptr

enable/disable NAPTR DNS lookups.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

13. core.dns_udp_pref

udp protocol preference when doing NAPTR lookups.

Default value: 30.

Type: integer.

14. core.dns_tcp_pref

tcp protocol preference when doing NAPTR lookups.

Default value: 20.

Type: integer.

15. core.dns_tls_pref

tls protocol preference when doing NAPTR lookups.

Default value: 10.

Type: integer.

16. core.dns_sctp_pref

sctp protocol preference when doing NAPTR lookups.

Default value: 20.

Type: integer.

17. core.dns_retr_time

time in s before retrying a dns request.

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.

18. core.dns_retr_no

number of dns retransmissions before giving up.

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.

19. core.dns_servers_no

how many dns servers from the ones defined in /etc/resolv.conf will be used.

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.

20. core.dns_use_search_list

if set to 0, the search list in /etc/resolv.conf is ignored.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

21. core.dns_search_full_match

enable/disable domain name checks against the search list in DNS answers.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

22. core.dns_reinit

set to 1 in order to reinitialize the DNS resolver.

Default value: 0.

Range: 1 - 1.

Type: integer.

23. core.dns_naptr_ignore_rfc

ignore the Order field required by RFC 2915.

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

24. core.use_dns_cache

enable/disable the dns cache.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

25. core.dns_cache_flags

dns cache specific resolver flags (1=ipv4 only, 2=ipv6 only, 4=prefer ipv6.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 4.

Type: integer.

26. core.use_dns_failover

enable/disable dns failover in case the destination resolves to multiple ip addresses and/or multiple SRV records (depends on use_dns_cache).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

27. core.dns_srv_lb

enable/disable load balancing to different srv records of the same priority based on the srv records weights (depends on dns_failover).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

28. core.dns_cache_negative_ttl

time to live for negative results ("not found") in seconds. Use 0 to disable.

Default value: 60.

Type: integer.

29. core.dns_cache_min_ttl

minimum accepted time to live for a record, in seconds.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

30. core.dns_cache_max_ttl

maximum accepted time to live for a record, in seconds.

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.

31. core.dns_cache_mem

maximum memory used for the dns cache in Kb.

Default value: 500.

Type: integer.

32. core.dns_cache_del_nonexp

allow deletion of non-expired records from the cache when there is no more space left for new ones.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

33. core.dns_cache_rec_pref

DNS cache record preference: 0 - do not check duplicates 1 - prefer old records 2 - prefer new records 3 - prefer records with longer lifetime.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 3.

Type: integer.

34. core.mem_dump_pkg

dump process memory status, parameter: pid_number.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

35. core.mem_dump_shm

dump shared memory status.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

36. core.max_while_loops

maximum iterations allowed for a while loop.

Default value: 100.

Type: integer.

37. core.udp_mtu

fallback to a congestion controlled protocol if send size exceeds udp_mtu.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 65535.

Type: integer.

38. core.udp_mtu_try_proto

if send size > udp_mtu use proto (1 udp, 2 tcp, 3 tls, 4 sctp).

Default value: 0.

Range: 1 - 4.

Type: integer.

39. core.udp4_raw

enable/disable using a raw socket for sending UDP IPV4 packets. Should be faster on multi-CPU linux running machines..

Default value: 0.

Range: -1 - 1.

Type: integer.

40. core.udp4_raw_mtu

set the MTU used when using raw sockets for udp sending. This value will be used when deciding whether or not to fragment the packets..

Default value: 1500.

Range: 28 - 65535.

Type: integer.

41. core.udp4_raw_ttl

set the IP TTL used when using raw sockets for udp sending. -1 will use the same value as for normal udp sockets..

Default value: -1.

Range: -1 - 255.

Type: integer.

42. core.force_rport

force rport for all the received messages.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

43. core.memlog

log level for memory status/summary information.

Default value: 4.

Type: integer.

44. core.mem_summary

memory debugging information displayed on exit (flags): 0 - off, 1 - dump all the pkg used blocks (status), 2 - dump all the shm used blocks (status), 4 - summary of pkg used blocks, 8 - summary of shm used blocks, 16 - short status instead of dump.

Default value: 3.

Range: 0 - 31.

Type: integer.

45. core.mem_safety

safety level for memory operations.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

46. core.mem_join

join free memory fragments.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

47. core.mem_status_mode

print status for free or all memory fragments.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

48. core.corelog

log level for non-critical core error messages.

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.

49. core.latency_cfg_log

log level for printing latency of routing blocks.

Default value: 3.

Type: integer.

50. core.latency_log

log level for latency limits alert messages.

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.

51. core.latency_limit_db

limit is ms for alerting on time consuming db commands.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

52. core.latency_limit_action

limit is ms for alerting on time consuming config actions.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

Chapter 2.  Configuration Variables for tcp

1. tcp.connect_timeout

used only in non-async mode, in seconds.

Range: -1 - 134217727.

Type: integer.

2. tcp.send_timeout

in seconds.

Range: -1 - 2147483647.

Type: integer.

3. tcp.connection_lifetime

connection lifetime (in seconds).

Range: -1 - 2147483647.

Type: integer.

4. tcp.max_connections

maximum tcp connections number, soft limit.

Range: 0 - 2147483647.

Type: integer.

5. tcp.max_tls_connections

maximum tls connections number, soft limit.

Range: 0 - 2147483647.

Type: integer.

6. tcp.no_connect

if set only accept new connections, never actively open new ones.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

7. tcp.fd_cache

file descriptor cache for tcp_send.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.


8. tcp.async

async mode for writes and connects.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.


9. tcp.connect_wait

parallel simultaneous connects to the same dst. (0) or one connect.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.


10. tcp.conn_wq_max

maximum bytes queued for write per connection (depends on async).

Range: 0 - 1048576.

Type: integer.

11. tcp.wq_max

maximum bytes queued for write allowed globally (depends on async).

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

12. tcp.defer_accept

0/1 on linux, seconds on freebsd (see docs).

Range: 0 - 3600.

Type: integer.


13. tcp.delayed_ack

initial ack will be delayed and sent with the first data segment.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

14. tcp.syncnt

number of syn retransmissions before aborting a connect (0=not set).

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

15. tcp.linger2

lifetime of orphaned sockets in FIN_WAIT2 state in s (0=not set).

Range: 0 - 3600.

Type: integer.

16. tcp.keepalive

enables/disables keepalives for tcp.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

17. tcp.keepidle

time before sending a keepalive if the connection is idle (linux).

Range: 0 - 86400.

Type: integer.

18. tcp.keepintvl

time interval between keepalive probes on failure (linux).

Range: 0 - 86400.

Type: integer.

19. tcp.keepcnt

number of failed keepalives before dropping the connection (linux).

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

20. tcp.crlf_ping

enable responding to CRLF SIP-level keepalives .

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

21. tcp.accept_aliases

turn on/off tcp aliases (see tcp_accept_aliases) .

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

22. tcp.alias_flags

flags used for adding new aliases (FORCE_ADD:1 , REPLACE:2) .

Range: 0 - 2.

Type: integer.

23. tcp.new_conn_alias_flags

flags for the def. aliases for a new conn. (FORCE_ADD:1, REPLACE:2 .

Range: 0 - 2.

Type: integer.

24. tcp.accept_no_cl

accept TCP messages without Content-Length .

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

25. tcp.reuse_port

reuse TCP ports .

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

26. tcp.rd_buf_size

internal read buffer size (should be > max. expected datagram).

Range: 512 - 16777216.

Type: integer.

27. tcp.wq_blk_size

internal async write block size (debugging use only for now).

Range: 1 - 65535.

Type: integer.

Chapter 3.  Configuration Variables for carrierroute

1. carrierroute.use_domain

When using tree lookup per user, this parameter specifies whether to use the domain part for user matching or not..

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

2. carrierroute.fallback_default

If the user has a non-existing tree set and fallback_default is set to 1, the default tree is used. Else error is returned.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

3. carrierroute.fetch_rows

The number of the rows to be fetched at once from database when loading the routing data..

Default value: 2000.

Type: integer.

Chapter 4.  Configuration Variables for dbg

1. dbg.mod_level_mode

Enable or disable per module log level (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

2. dbg.mod_facility_mode

Enable or disable per module log facility (0 - disabled, 1 - enabled).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

3. dbg.mod_hash_size

power of two as size of internal hash table to store levels per module.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.


Chapter 5.  Configuration Variables for dispatcher

1. dispatcher.probing_threshold

Number of failed requests, before a destination is set to probing..

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

2. dispatcher.inactive_threshold

Number of successful requests, before a destination is set to active..

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

3. dispatcher.ping_reply_codes

Additional, valid reply codes for the OPTIONS Pinger. Default is "".

Default value: <unknown:str>.

Type: string.

Chapter 6.  Configuration Variables for registrar

1. registrar.default_expires

Contains number of second to expire if no expire hf or contact expire present.

Default value: 3600.

Type: integer.

2. registrar.default_expires_range

Percent from default_expires that will be used in generating the range for the expire interval.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 100.

Type: integer.

3. registrar.min_expires

The minimum expires value of a Contact. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 60.

Type: integer.

4. registrar.max_expires

The maximum expires value of a Contact. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

5. registrar.em_default_expires

The default emergency expires value of a Contact..

Default value: 3600.

Type: integer.

6. registrar.em_max_expires

The maximum emergency expires value of a Contact. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 60.

Type: integer.

7. registrar.em_min_expires

The maximum emergency expires value of a Contact. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

8. registrar.max_contacts

The maximum number of Contacts for an AOR. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

9. registrar.retry_after

If you want to add the Retry-After header field in 5xx replies, set this parameter to a value grater than zero.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

10. registrar.case_sensitive

If set to 1 then AOR comparison will be case sensitive. Recommended and default is 0, case insensitive.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

11. registrar.default_q

The parameter represents default q value for new contacts..

Default value: -1.

Range: -1 - 1000.

Type: integer.

12. registrar.append_branches

If set to 1(default), lookup will put all contacts found in msg structure.

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

13. registrar.realm_pref

Realm prefix to be removed. Default is "".

Type: string.

Chapter 7.  Configuration Variables for malloc_test

1. malloc_test.check_content

check if allocated memory was overwritten by filling it with a special pattern and checking it on free..

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

2. malloc_test.realloc_p

realloc probability in percents. During tests and mem_rnd_alloc realloc_p percents of the allocations will be made by realloc'ing and existing chunk. The maximum value is limited to 90, to avoid very long mem_rnd_alloc runs (a realloc might also free memory)..

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 90.

Type: integer.

Chapter 8.  Configuration Variables for maxfwd

Table of Contents

1. maxfwd.max_limit

1. maxfwd.max_limit

Max. maxfwd limit.

Default value: 70.

Range: 0 - 255.

Type: integer.

Chapter 9.  Configuration Variables for outbound

Table of Contents

1. outbound.outbound_enabled

1. outbound.outbound_enabled

If set to one (true) Outbound is enabled..

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.


Chapter 10.  Configuration Variables for registrar

1. registrar.realm_pref

Realm prefix to be removed. Default is "".

Default value: <unknown:str>.

Type: string.

2. registrar.default_expires

Contains number of second to expire if no expire hf or contact expire present.

Default value: 3600.

Type: integer.

3. registrar.default_expires_range

Percent from default_expires that will be used in generating the range for the expire interval.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 100.

Type: integer.

4. registrar.expires_range

Percent from incoming expires that will be used in generating the range for the expire interval.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 100.

Type: integer.

5. registrar.min_expires

The minimum expires value of a Contact. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 60.

Type: integer.

6. registrar.max_expires

The maximum expires value of a Contact. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

7. registrar.max_contacts

The maximum number of Contacts for an AOR. Value 0 disables the checking. .

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

8. registrar.retry_after

If you want to add the Retry-After header field in 5xx replies, set this parameter to a value grater than zero.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

9. registrar.case_sensitive

If set to 1 then AOR comparison will be case sensitive. Recommended and default is 0, case insensitive.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

10. registrar.default_q

The parameter represents default q value for new contacts..

Default value: -1.

Range: -1 - 1000.

Type: integer.

11. registrar.append_branches

If set to 1(default), lookup will put all contacts found in msg structure.

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

Chapter 11.  Configuration Variables for rtpengine

1. rtpengine.rtpengine_disable_tout

The time after which rtpengine will try to communicate to an RTP proxy after it has been marked disabled automatically. .

Default value: 60.

Type: integer.

2. rtpengine.rtpengine_tout_ms

The total number of nodes inside a set to be queried before giving up establishing a session.

Default value: 1000.

Type: integer.

3. rtpengine.queried_nodes_limit

Timeout value expressed in milliseconds in waiting for reply from RTP proxy.

Default value: 30.

Range: 0 - 30.

Type: integer.

4. rtpengine.rtpengine_retr

How many times the module should retry to send and receive after timeout was generated.

Default value: 5.

Type: integer.

Chapter 12.  Configuration Variables for sctp

1. sctp.socket_rcvbuf

socket receive buffer size (read-only).

Range: 512 - 102400.

Type: integer.


2. sctp.socket_sndbuf

socket send buffer size (read-only).

Range: 512 - 102400.

Type: integer.


3. sctp.autoclose

seconds before closing and idle connection (must be non-zero).

Range: 1 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

4. sctp.send_ttl

milliseconds before aborting a send.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

5. sctp.send_retries

re-send attempts on failure.

Range: 0 - 9.

Type: integer.

6. sctp.assoc_tracking

connection/association tracking (see also assoc_reuse).

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

7. sctp.assoc_reuse

connection/association reuse (for now used only for replies), depends on assoc_tracking being set.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

8. sctp.max_assocs

maximum allowed open associations (-1 = disable, as many as allowed by the OS).

Type: integer.

9. sctp.srto_initial

initial value of the retr. timeout, used in RTO calculations, in msecs.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

10. sctp.srto_max

maximum value of the retransmission timeout (RTO), in msecs.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

11. sctp.srto_min

minimum value of the retransmission timeout (RTO), in msecs.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

12. sctp.asocmaxrxt

maximum retransmission attempts per association.

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

13. sctp.init_max_attempts

max INIT retransmission attempts.

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

14. sctp.init_max_timeo

max INIT retransmission timeout (RTO max for INIT), in msecs.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

15. sctp.hbinterval

heartbeat interval in msecs.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

16. sctp.pathmaxrxt

maximum retransmission attempts per path.

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

17. sctp.sack_delay

time since the last received packet before sending a SACK, in msecs.

Range: 0 - 1073741824.

Type: integer.

18. sctp.sack_freq

number of received packets that trigger the sending of a SACK.

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

19. sctp.max_burst

maximum burst of packets that can be emitted by an association.

Range: 0 - 1024.

Type: integer.

Chapter 13.  Configuration Variables for siputils

Table of Contents

1. siputils.ring_timeout

1. siputils.ring_timeout

define how long the Call-id is kept in the internal list.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

Chapter 14.  Configuration Variables for stun

Table of Contents

1. stun.stun_enabled

1. stun.stun_enabled

If set to one (true) STUN is enabled..

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.


Chapter 15.  Configuration Variables for tm

1. tm.auto_inv_100_reason

reason text of the automatically send 100 to an INVITE.

Default value: trying -- your call is important to us.

Type: string.

2. tm.default_reason

default SIP reason phrase sent by t_reply(), if the function cannot retrieve its parameters.

Default value: Server Internal Error.

Type: string.

3. tm.ac_extra_hdrs

header fields prefixed by this parameter value are included in the CANCEL and negative ACK messages if they were present in the outgoing INVITE (depends on reparse_invite).

Default value: <unknown:str>.

Type: string.

4. tm.ruri_matching

perform Request URI check in transaction matching.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

5. tm.via1_matching

perform first Via header check in transaction matching.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

6. tm.callid_matching

perform callid check in transaction matching.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

7. tm.fr_timer

timer which hits if no final reply for a request or ACK for a negative INVITE reply arrives (in milliseconds).

Default value: 30000.

Type: integer.

8. tm.fr_inv_timer

timer which hits if no final reply for an INVITE arrives after a provisional message was received (in milliseconds).

Default value: 120000.

Type: integer.

9. tm.fr_inv_timer_next

The value [ms] of fr_inv_timer for subsequent branches during serial forking..

Default value: 30000.

Type: integer.

10. tm.wt_timer

time for which a transaction stays in memory to absorb delayed messages after it completed.

Default value: 5000.

Type: integer.

11. tm.delete_timer

time after which a to-be-deleted transaction currently ref-ed by a process will be tried to be deleted again..

Default value: 200.

Type: integer.

12. tm.retr_timer1

initial retransmission period (in milliseconds).

Default value: 500.

Type: integer.

13. tm.retr_timer2

maximum retransmission period (in milliseconds).

Default value: 4000.

Type: integer.

14. tm.max_inv_lifetime

maximum time an invite transaction can live from the moment of creation.

Default value: 180000.

Type: integer.

15. tm.max_noninv_lifetime

maximum time a non-invite transaction can live from the moment of creation.

Default value: 32000.

Type: integer.

16. tm.noisy_ctimer

if set, INVITE transactions that time-out (FR INV timer) will be always replied.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

17. tm.auto_inv_100

automatically send 100 to an INVITE.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

18. tm.unix_tx_timeout

Unix socket transmission timeout, in milliseconds.

Default value: 500.

Type: integer.

19. tm.restart_fr_on_each_reply

restart final response timer on each provisional reply.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

20. tm.pass_provisional_replies

enable/disable passing of provisional replies to TMCB_LOCAL_RESPONSE_OUT callbacks.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

21. tm.aggregate_challenges

if the final response is a 401 or a 407, aggregate all the authorization headers (challenges) (rfc3261 requires this to be on).

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

22. tm.unmatched_cancel

determines how CANCELs with no matching transaction are handled (0: statefull forwarding, 1: stateless forwarding, 2: drop).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 2.

Type: integer.

23. tm.default_code

default SIP response code sent by t_reply(), if the function cannot retrieve its parameters.

Default value: 500.

Range: 400 - 699.

Type: integer.

24. tm.reparse_invite

if set to 1, the CANCEL and negative ACK requests are constructed from the INVITE message which was sent out instead of building them from the received request.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

25. tm.blst_503

if set to 1, blacklist 503 SIP response sources.

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

26. tm.blst_503_def_timeout

default 503 blacklist time (in s), when no Retry-After header is present.

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

27. tm.blst_503_min_timeout

minimum 503 blacklist time (in s).

Default value: 0.

Type: integer.

28. tm.blst_503_max_timeout

maximum 503 blacklist time (in s).

Default value: 3600.

Type: integer.

29. tm.blst_methods_add

bitmap of method types that trigger blacklisting on transaction timeouts.

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

30. tm.blst_methods_lookup

Bitmap of method types that are looked-up in the blacklist before statefull forwarding.

Default value: -9.

Type: integer.

31. tm.cancel_b_method

How to cancel branches on which no replies were received: 0 - fake reply, 1 - retransmitting the request, 2 - send cancel.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 2.

Type: integer.

32. tm.reparse_on_dns_failover

if set to 1, the SIP message after a DNS failover is constructed from the outgoing message buffer of the failed branch instead of from the received request.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

33. tm.disable_6xx_block

if set to 1, 6xx is treated like a normal reply (breaks rfc).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

34. tm.local_ack_mode

if set to 1 or 2, local 200 ACKs are sent to the same address as the corresponding INVITE (1) or the source of the 200 reply (2) instead of using the contact and the route set (it breaks the rfc, if it is not set to 0 but allows dealing with NATed contacts in some simple cases).

Default value: 0.

Range: 0 - 2.

Type: integer.

35. tm.local_cancel_reason

if set to 1, a Reason header is added to locally generated CANCELs (see RFC3326).

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

36. tm.e2e_cancel_reason

if set to 1, Reason headers from received CANCELs are copied into the corresponding generated hop-by-hop CANCELs.

Default value: 1.

Range: 0 - 1.

Type: integer.

Chapter 16.  Configuration Variables for websocket

1. websocket.keepalive_timeout

Time (in seconds) after which to send a keep-alive on idle WebSocket connections..

Default value: 180.

Type: integer.

2. websocket.enabled

Shows whether WebSockets are enabled or not..

Default value: 1.

Type: integer.

Chapter 17.  Configuration Variables for xlog

Table of Contents

1. xlog.methods_filter

1. xlog.methods_filter

Methods filter value for xlogm(...)..

Default value: -1.

Type: integer.