The module implements RPC functions to set and get configuration variables on-the-fly, that are declared by SIP Router core and by the modules. It can be used to fine-tune or debug SIP Router without the need of restart.
The module implements the following RPC interface commands:
cfg_rpc.set_now_int - Set the value of a configuration variable and commit the change immediately. The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable name, integer value.
cfg_rpc.set_now_string - Set the value of a configuration variable and commit the change immediately. The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable name, string value.
cfg_rpc.set_delayed_int - Prepare the change of a configuration variable, but does not commit the new value yet. The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable name, integer value.
cfg_rpc.set_delayed_string - Prepare the change of a configuration variable, but does not commit the new value yet. The function accepts three parameters: group name, variable name, string value.
cfg_rpc.commit - Commit the previously prepared configuration changes. The function does not have any parameters.
cfg_rpc.rollback - Drop the prepared configuration changes. The function does not have any parameters.
cfg_rpc.get - Get the value of a configuration variable. The function accepts two parameters: group name, variable name. - Print the description of a configuration variable. The function accepts two parameters: group name, variable name.
cfg_rpc.list - List the configuration variables. The function does not have any parameters.
cfg_rpc.diff - List the pending configuration changes that have not been committed yet. The function does not have any parameters.