This is a module implementing funtions for text operations over SIP messages in configuration files. It comes to add new features similar to textops module (textops eXtentions).
Use this function to apply changes performed on SIP request content. Be careful when using this function; due to special handling of changes done to SIP message buffer so far, using this function might change the behaviour of your config. Do test your config properly!
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
Example 1. msg_apply_changes()
... append_hf("My-Header: yes\r\n"); if(msg_apply_changes()) { # msg buffer has a new content if(is_present_hf("My-Header")) { # will get here always } } ...
Intercept a SIP reply (in an onreply_route) and change its status code and reason phrase prior to propogating it.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
code - Status code.
reason - Reason phrase.
This function can be used from ONREPLY_ROUTE.
Example 2. change_reply_status
... onreply_route { if (@status == "603") { change_reply_status(404, "Not Found"); exit; } } ...