RPC Commands List

Kamailio Development Team


Table of Contents

1. RPC Exports for core
2. RPC Exports for app_jsdt
3. RPC Exports for app_lua
4. RPC Exports for app_perl
5. RPC Exports for app_sqlang
6. RPC Exports for auth_ephemeral
7. RPC Exports for auth_xkeys
8. RPC Exports for benchmark
9. RPC Exports for call_obj
10. RPC Exports for carrierroute
11. RPC Exports for cdp
12. RPC Exports for cfg_rpc
13. RPC Exports for cfgt
14. RPC Exports for cfgutils
15. RPC Exports for cnxcc
16. RPC Exports for corex
17. RPC Exports for counters
18. RPC Exports for cplc
19. RPC Exports for ctl
20. RPC Exports for db_berkeley
21. RPC Exports for db_flatstore
22. RPC Exports for db_flatstore
23. RPC Exports for db_text
24. RPC Exports for debugger
25. RPC Exports for dialog
26. RPC Exports for dialplan
27. RPC Exports for dispatcher
28. RPC Exports for dmq
29. RPC Exports for domain
30. RPC Exports for drouting
31. RPC Exports for htable
32. RPC Exports for http_client
33. RPC Exports for imc
34. RPC Exports for ims_dialog
35. RPC Exports for ims_registrar_scscf
36. RPC Exports for ims_usrloc_pcscf
37. RPC Exports for ims_usrloc_scscf
38. RPC Exports for jsonrpcs
39. RPC Exports for keepalive
40. RPC Exports for kex
41. RPC Exports for kex
42. RPC Exports for kex
43. RPC Exports for lcr
44. RPC Exports for malloc_test
45. RPC Exports for matrix
46. RPC Exports for mqueue
47. RPC Exports for msrp
48. RPC Exports for mtree
49. RPC Exports for nathelper
50. RPC Exports for pdb
51. RPC Exports for pdt
52. RPC Exports for permissions
53. RPC Exports for pike
54. RPC Exports for pipelimit
55. RPC Exports for prefix_route
56. RPC Exports for presence
57. RPC Exports for pua
58. RPC Exports for pua_rpc
59. RPC Exports for pv
60. RPC Exports for ratelimit
61. RPC Exports for regex
62. RPC Exports for rls
63. RPC Exports for rtpengine
64. RPC Exports for rtpproxy
65. RPC Exports for sca
66. RPC Exports for sctp
67. RPC Exports for sipcapture
68. RPC Exports for siptrace
69. RPC Exports for sl
70. RPC Exports for statsc
71. RPC Exports for tls
72. RPC Exports for tm
73. RPC Exports for tsilo
74. RPC Exports for uac
75. RPC Exports for uid_domain
76. RPC Exports for uid_gflags
77. RPC Exports for userblacklist
78. RPC Exports for usrloc
79. RPC Exports for websocket
80. RPC Exports for xcap_client
81. RPC Exports for xhttp_pi

Chapter 1.  RPC Exports for core

1.1. system.listMethods

Lists all RPC methods supported by the server.

Returns an array.

1.2. system.methodSignature

Returns signature of given method.

1.3. system.methodHelp

Print the help string for given method.

1.4. core.prints

Returns the strings given as parameters.

Returns an array.

1.5. core.printi

Returns the integers given as parameters.

Returns an array.

1.6. core.echo

Returns back its parameters.

Returns an array.

1.7. core.version

Returns the version string of the server.

1.8. core.flags

Returns the compile flags.

1.9. core.info

Verbose info, including version number, compile flags, compiler,repository hash a.s.o.

1.10. core.uptime

Returns uptime of SIP server.

1.11. core.ps

Returns the description of running processes.

Returns an array.

1.12. core.psx

Returns the detailed description of running processes.

Returns an array.

1.13. core.pwd

Returns the working directory of server.

Returns an array.

1.14. core.arg

Returns the list of command line arguments used on startup.

Returns an array.

1.15. core.kill

Sends the given signal to server.

1.16. core.shmmem

Returns shared memory info. It has an optional parameter that specifies the measuring unit: b - bytes (default), k or kb, m or mb, g or gb. Note: when using something different from bytes, the value is truncated.

1.17. core.tcp_info

Returns tcp related info.

1.18. core.tcp_options

Returns active tcp options.

1.19. core.tcp_list

Returns tcp connections details.

1.20. core.udp4_raw_info

Returns udp4_raw related info.

1.21. core.aliases_list

List local SIP server host aliases

1.22. core.sockets_list

List local SIP server listen sockets

1.23. dns.mem_info

dns cache memory info.

1.24. dns.debug

dns debug info.

1.25. dns.debug_all

complete dns debug dump

1.26. dns.view

dns cache dump in a human-readable format

1.27. dns.lookup

perform a dns lookup

1.28. dns.delete_all

deletes all the non-permanent entries from the DNS cache

1.29. dns.delete_all_force

deletes all the entries from the DNS cache including the permanent ones

1.30. dns.add_a

adds an A record to the DNS cache

1.31. dns.add_aaaa

adds an AAAA record to the DNS cache

1.32. dns.add_srv

adds an SRV record to the DNS cache

1.33. dns.delete_a

deletes an A record from the DNS cache

1.34. dns.delete_aaaa

deletes an AAAA record from the DNS cache

1.35. dns.delete_srv

deletes an SRV record from the DNS cache

1.36. dns.delete_naptr

deletes a NAPTR record from the DNS cache

1.37. dns.delete_cname

deletes a CNAME record from the DNS cache

1.38. dns.delete_txt

deletes a TXT record from the DNS cache

1.39. dns.delete_ebl

deletes an EBL record from the DNS cache

1.40. dns.delete_ptr

deletes an PTR record from the DNS cache

1.41. dst_blacklist.mem_info

dst blacklist memory usage info.

1.42. dst_blacklist.debug

dst blacklist debug info.

1.43. dst_blacklist.view

dst blacklist dump in human-readable format.

1.44. dst_blacklist.delete_all

Deletes all the entries from the dst blacklist except the permanent ones.

1.45. dst_blacklist.add

Adds a new entry to the dst blacklist.

Chapter 2.  RPC Exports for app_jsdt

2.1. app_jsdt.reload

Documentation missing (app_jsdt_rpc_reload_doc).

2.2. app_jsdt.api_list

Documentation missing (app_jsdt_rpc_api_list_doc).

Chapter 3.  RPC Exports for app_lua

3.1. app_lua.reload

Reload lua script

3.2. app_lua.list

list lua scripts

3.3. app_lua.api_list

list kemi exports to lua

Chapter 4.  RPC Exports for app_perl

4.1. app_perl.set_reset_cycles

Set the value for reset_cycles

4.2. app_perl.get_reset_cycles

Get the value for reset_cycles

Chapter 5.  RPC Exports for app_sqlang

5.1. app_sqlang.reload

Documentation missing (app_sqlang_rpc_reload_doc).

5.2. app_sqlang.api_list

Documentation missing (app_sqlang_rpc_api_list_doc).

Chapter 6.  RPC Exports for auth_ephemeral

6.1. autheph.dump_secrets

Documentation missing (autheph_rpc_dump_secrets_doc).

Returns an array.

6.2. autheph.add_secret

Add a secret

6.3. autheph.rm_secret

Remove a secret

Chapter 7.  RPC Exports for auth_xkeys

7.1. auth_xkeys_.list

Documentation missing (auth_xkeys_rpc_list_doc).

7.2. auth_xkeys_.set

Documentation missing (auth_xkeys_rpc_set_doc).

Chapter 8.  RPC Exports for benchmark

8.1. benchmark.enable_global

Enable/disable benchmarking

8.2. benchmark.enable_timer

Enable/disable a benchmark timer

8.3. benchmark.granularity

Set benchmarking granularity

8.4. benchmark.loglevel

Set benchmarking log level

Chapter 9.  RPC Exports for call_obj

9.1. call_obj.free

Free an object so it can be assigned again

9.2. call_obj.stats

Show statistics about module objects

9.3. call_obj.free_all

Documentation missing (rpc_call_obj_free_all_doc).

9.4. call_obj.list

Get a list of objects with a longer duration (in seconds) than a number

Chapter 10.  RPC Exports for carrierroute

10.1. cr.reload_routes

Reload routes

10.2. cr.dump_routes

Dump routes

Chapter 11.  RPC Exports for cdp

11.1. cdp.disable_peer

Documentation missing (cdp_rpc_disable_peer_doc).

11.2. cdp.enable_peer

Documentation missing (cdp_rpc_enable_peer_doc).

11.3. cdp.list_peers

Documentation missing (cdp_rpc_list_peers_doc).

Chapter 12.  RPC Exports for cfg_rpc

12.1. cfg.set

Documentation missing (rpc_set_now_doc).

12.2. cfg.set_now_int

Documentation missing (rpc_set_now_doc).

12.3. cfg.seti

Documentation missing (rpc_set_now_doc).

12.4. cfg.set_now_string

Documentation missing (rpc_set_now_doc).

12.5. cfg.sets

Documentation missing (rpc_set_now_doc).

12.6. cfg.del

Documentation missing (rpc_del_now_doc).

12.7. cfg.set_delayed

Documentation missing (rpc_set_delayed_doc).

12.8. cfg.set_delayed_int

Documentation missing (rpc_set_delayed_doc).

12.9. cfg.set_delayed_string

Documentation missing (rpc_set_delayed_doc).

12.10. cfg.del_delayed

Documentation missing (rpc_del_delayed_doc).

12.11. cfg.commit

Documentation missing (rpc_commit_doc).

12.12. cfg.rollback

Documentation missing (rpc_rollback_doc).

12.13. cfg.get

Documentation missing (rpc_get_doc).

12.14. cfg.help

Documentation missing (rpc_help_doc).

12.15. cfg.list

Documentation missing (rpc_list_doc).

12.16. cfg.diff

Documentation missing (rpc_diff_doc).

12.17. cfg.add_group_inst

Documentation missing (rpc_add_group_inst_doc).

12.18. cfg.del_group_inst

Documentation missing (rpc_del_group_inst_doc).

Chapter 13.  RPC Exports for cfgt

Table of Contents

13.1. dbg.mask

13.1. dbg.mask

Specify module mask

Chapter 14.  RPC Exports for cfgutils

14.1. cfgutils.is_gflag

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_is_gflag_doc).

14.2. cfgutils.set_gflag

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_set_gflag_doc).

14.3. cfgutils.get_gflags

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_get_gflags_doc).

14.4. cfgutils.reset_gflag

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_reset_gflag_doc).

14.5. cfgutils.rand_set_prob

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_set_prob_doc).

14.6. cfgutils.rand_reset_prob

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_reset_prob_doc).

14.7. cfgutils.rand_get_prob

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_get_prob_doc).

14.8. cfgutils.get_config_hash

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_get_hash_doc).

14.9. cfgutils.check_config_hash

Documentation missing (cfgutils_rpc_check_hash_doc).

Chapter 15.  RPC Exports for cnxcc

15.1. cnxcc.active_clients

List of clients with active calls

15.2. cnxcc.check_client

Check specific client calls

15.3. cnxcc.kill_call

Kill call using its call ID

15.4. cnxcc.stats

List credit control stats

Chapter 16.  RPC Exports for corex

16.1. corex.list_sockets

Documentation missing (corex_rpc_list_sockets_doc).

Returns an array.

16.2. corex.list_aliases

Documentation missing (corex_rpc_list_aliases_doc).

Returns an array.

16.3. corex.shm_status

Trigger shm status dump to syslog

16.4. corex.shm_summary

Trigger shm summary dump to syslog

16.5. corex.pkg_summary

Trigger shm summary dump to syslog

Chapter 17.  RPC Exports for counters

17.1. cnt.get

Documentation missing (cnt_get_doc).

17.2. cnt.reset

Documentation missing (cnt_reset_doc).

17.3. cnt.get_raw

Documentation missing (cnt_get_raw_doc).

17.4. cnt.list_groups

Documentation missing (cnt_grps_list_doc).

Returns an array.

17.5. cnt.grps_list

Documentation missing (cnt_grps_list_doc).

Returns an array.

17.6. cnt.list_vars

Documentation missing (cnt_var_list_doc).

Returns an array.

17.7. cnt.var_list

Documentation missing (cnt_var_list_doc).

Returns an array.

17.8. cnt.get_vars

Documentation missing (cnt_grp_get_all_doc).

17.9. cnt.grp_get_all

Documentation missing (cnt_grp_get_all_doc).

17.10. cnt.help

Documentation missing (cnt_help_doc).

Chapter 18.  RPC Exports for cplc

18.1. cpl.load

Documentation missing (cpl_rpc_load_doc).

18.2. cpl.remove

Documentation missing (cpl_rpc_remove_doc).

18.3. cpl.get

Documentation missing (cpl_rpc_get_doc).

Chapter 19.  RPC Exports for ctl

19.1. ctl.who

Documentation missing (io_listen_who_doc).

19.2. ctl.connections

returns number of open connections

19.3. ctl.listen

list ctl listen sockets

Chapter 20.  RPC Exports for db_berkeley

Table of Contents

20.1. db_berkeley.reload

20.1. db_berkeley.reload

Reload a berkeley db or env

Chapter 21.  RPC Exports for db_flatstore

Table of Contents

21.1. flatstore.k_rotate

21.1. flatstore.k_rotate

Close and reopen flatrotate files during log rotation.

Chapter 22.  RPC Exports for db_flatstore

Table of Contents

22.1. flatstore.k_rotate

22.1. flatstore.k_rotate

Close and reopen flatrotate files during log rotation.

Chapter 23.  RPC Exports for db_text

23.1. db_text.dump

Write back to disk modified tables

23.2. db_text.query

Perform Live Query

Chapter 24.  RPC Exports for debugger

24.1. dbg.bp

Documentation missing (dbg_rpc_bp_doc).

24.2. dbg.ls

List debugging process array

24.3. dbg.trace

Config trace command

24.4. dbg.set_mod_level

Set module log level

24.5. dbg.set_mod_facility

Set module log facility

24.6. dbg.get_mod_level

Get module log level

24.7. dbg.get_mod_facility

Get module log facility

24.8. dbg.reset_msgid

Reset msgid on all process

Chapter 25.  RPC Exports for dialog

25.1. dlg.list

Print all dialogs

Returns an array.

25.2. dlg.list_ctx

Print all dialogs with associated context

Returns an array.

25.3. dlg.dlg_list

Print dialog based on callid and optionally fromtag

25.4. dlg.dlg_list_ctx

Print dialog with associated context based on callid and optionally fromtag

25.5. dlg.end_dlg

End a given dialog based on [h_entry] [h_id]

25.6. dlg.profile_get_size

Returns the number of dialogs belonging to a profile

25.7. dlg.profile_list

Lists all the dialogs belonging to a profile

Returns an array.

25.8. dlg.bridge_dlg

Bridge two SIP addresses in a call using INVITE(hold)-REFER-BYE mechanism: to, from, [outbound SIP proxy]

25.9. dlg.terminate_dlg

End a given dialog based on callid

Chapter 26.  RPC Exports for dialplan

26.1. dialplan.reload

Reload dialplan table from database

26.2. dialplan.translate

Perform dialplan translation

26.3. dialplan.dump

Dump dialplan content

Chapter 27.  RPC Exports for dispatcher

27.1. dispatcher.reload

Reload dispatcher destination sets

27.2. dispatcher.list

Return the content of dispatcher sets

27.3. dispatcher.set_state

Set the state of a destination address

27.4. dispatcher.ping_active

Manage setting on/off the pinging (keepalive) of destinations

Chapter 28.  RPC Exports for dmq

Table of Contents

28.1. dmq.list_nodes

28.1. dmq.list_nodes

Print all nodes

Returns an array.

Chapter 29.  RPC Exports for domain

29.1. domain.reload

Documentation missing (domain_rpc_reload_doc).

29.2. domain.dump

Return the contents of domain and domain_attrs tables

Chapter 30.  RPC Exports for drouting

Table of Contents

30.1. drouting.reload

30.1. drouting.reload

Write back to disk modified tables

Chapter 31.  RPC Exports for htable

31.1. htable.dump

Dump the contents of hash table.

Returns an array.

31.2. htable.delete

Delete one key from a hash table.

31.3. htable.get

Get one key from a hash table.

31.4. htable.sets

Set one key in a hash table to a string value.

31.5. htable.seti

Set one key in a hash table to an integer value.

31.6. htable.listTables

List all htables.

Returns an array.

31.7. htable.reload

Reload hash table.

31.8. htable.stats

Statistics about htables.

Returns an array.

Chapter 32.  RPC Exports for http_client

Table of Contents

32.1. httpclient.listcon

32.1. httpclient.listcon

Documentation missing (curl_rpc_listcon_doc).

Chapter 33.  RPC Exports for imc

33.1. imc.list_rooms

List imc rooms.

Returns an array.

33.2. imc.list_members

List members in an imc room.

Chapter 34.  RPC Exports for ims_dialog

34.1. dlg2.list

Print all dialogs

34.2. dlg2.end_dlg

End a given dialog based on [h_entry] [h_id]

34.3. dlg2.end_all_active_dlg

End all ACTIVE dialogs

Chapter 35.  RPC Exports for ims_registrar_scscf

Table of Contents

35.1. regscscf.dereg_impu

35.1. regscscf.dereg_impu

De-register IMPU from S-CSCF

Chapter 36.  RPC Exports for ims_usrloc_pcscf

Table of Contents

36.1. ulpcscf.status

36.1. ulpcscf.status

Dump PCSCF contacts and associated identitites

Chapter 37.  RPC Exports for ims_usrloc_scscf

37.1. ulscscf.status

Dump SCSCF user location tables

37.2. ulscscf.showimpu

Dump SCSCF IMPU information

37.3. ulscscf.snapshot

Dump snapshot of SCSCF usrloc to file

Chapter 38.  RPC Exports for jsonrpcs

Table of Contents

38.1. jsonrpc.echo

38.1. jsonrpc.echo

Documentation missing (jsonrpc_rpc_echo_doc).

Returns an array.

Chapter 39.  RPC Exports for keepalive

Table of Contents

39.1. keepalive.list

39.1. keepalive.list

Documentation missing (keepalive_rpc_list_doc).

Chapter 40.  RPC Exports for kex

Table of Contents

40.1. pkg.stats

40.1. pkg.stats

Documentation missing (rpc_pkg_stats_doc).

Returns an array.

Chapter 41.  RPC Exports for kex

Table of Contents

41.1. pkg.stats

41.1. pkg.stats

Documentation missing (rpc_pkg_stats_doc).

Returns an array.

Chapter 42.  RPC Exports for kex

Table of Contents

42.1. pkg.stats

42.1. pkg.stats

Documentation missing (rpc_pkg_stats_doc).

Returns an array.

Chapter 43.  RPC Exports for lcr

43.1. lcr.reload

Reload lcr tables from database.

43.2. lcr.dump_gws

Dump the contents of lcr_gws table.

43.3. lcr.dump_rules

Dump the contents of the lcr_rules table.

43.4. lcr.defunct_gw

Defunct gateway until specified time (Unix timestamp).

43.5. lcr.load_gws

Load matching gateways and prints their ids in priority order. Mandatory parameters are lcr_id and uri_user followed by optional parameters caller_uri and request_uri. Error is reported if an lcr_rule with matching prefix and from_uri has non-null request_uri and request_uri parameter has not been given.

Chapter 44.  RPC Exports for malloc_test

44.1. mt.mem_alloc

Allocates the specified number of bytes (debugging/test function).Use b|k|m|g to specify the desired size unit

44.2. mt.mem_free

Frees the specified number of bytes, previously allocated by one of the other malloc_test functions (e.g. mt.mem_alloc or the script mt_mem_alloc). Use b|k|m|g to specify the desired size unit.Returns the number of bytes freed (can be higher or smaller then the requested size)

44.3. mt.mem_realloc

Reallocates the specified number of bytes from a pre-allocated randomly selected memory chunk. If no pre-allocated memory chunks exists, it will fail. Make sure mt.mem_used is non 0 or call mt.mem_alloc prior to calling this function. Returns the difference in bytes (<0 if bytes were freed, >0 if more bytes were allocated).Use b|k|m|g to specify the desired size unit

44.4. mt.mem_used

Returns how many memory chunks and how many bytes are currently allocated via the mem_alloc module functions. Use b|k|m|g to specify the desired size unit.

44.5. mt.mem_rnd_alloc

Takes 4 parameters: min, max, total_size and an optional unit (b|k|m|g). It will allocate total_size memory, in pieces of random size betweenmin .. max (inclusive).

44.6. mt.mem_test_start

Takes 7 parameters: min, max, total_size, min_interval, max_interval, test_time and an optional size unit (b|k|m|g). All the time units are ms. It will run a memory allocation test for test_time ms. At a random interval between min_interval and max_interval ms. it will allocate a memory chunk with random size, between min and max. Each time total_size is reached, it will free all the memory allocated and start again.Returns the test id (integer)

44.7. mt.mem_test_stop

Takes 1 parameter: the test id. It will stop the corresponding test.Note: the test is stopped, but not destroyed.

44.8. mt.mem_test_destroy

Takes 1 parameter: the test id. It will destroy the corresponding test.

44.9. mt.mem_test_destroy_all

It will destroy all the tests (running or stopped).

44.10. mt.mem_test_list

If a test id parameter is provided it will list the corresponding test, else it will list all of them. Use b |k | m | g as a second parameter for the size units (default bytes)

Chapter 45.  RPC Exports for matrix

Table of Contents

45.1. matrix.reload

45.1. matrix.reload

Documentation missing (matrix_rpc_reload_doc).

Chapter 46.  RPC Exports for mqueue

Table of Contents

46.1. mqueue.get_size

46.1. mqueue.get_size

Documentation missing (mqueue_rpc_get_size_doc).

Chapter 47.  RPC Exports for msrp

Table of Contents

47.1. msrp.cmaplist

47.1. msrp.cmaplist

Documentation missing (msrp_cmap_rpc_list_doc).

Chapter 48.  RPC Exports for mtree

48.1. mtree.summary

Print summary of loaded mtree tables

Returns an array.

48.2. mtree.reload

Reload mtrees from database to memory

48.3. mtree.match

Match prefix value against mtree

48.4. mtree.list

List the content of one or all trees

Returns an array.

Chapter 49.  RPC Exports for nathelper

Table of Contents

49.1. nathelper.enable_ping

49.1. nathelper.enable_ping

Set (enable/disable) nat ping

Chapter 50.  RPC Exports for pdb

50.1. pdb.status

Documentation missing (pdb_rpc_status_doc).

50.2. pdb.activate

Documentation missing (pdb_rpc_activate_doc).

50.3. pdb.deactivate

Documentation missing (pdb_rpc_deactivate_doc).

Chapter 51.  RPC Exports for pdt

Table of Contents

51.1. pdt.reload
51.2. pdt.list

51.1. pdt.reload

Reload PDT database records

51.2. pdt.list

List PDT memory records

Chapter 52.  RPC Exports for permissions

52.1. permissions.trustedReload

Documentation missing (rpc_trusted_reload_doc).

52.2. permissions.addressReload

Documentation missing (rpc_address_reload_doc).

52.3. permissions.trustedDump

Documentation missing (rpc_trusted_dump_doc).

52.4. permissions.addressDump

Documentation missing (rpc_address_dump_doc).

Returns an array.

52.5. permissions.subnetDump

Documentation missing (rpc_subnet_dump_doc).

Returns an array.

52.6. permissions.domainDump

Documentation missing (rpc_domain_name_dump_doc).

52.7. permissions.testUri

Documentation missing (rpc_test_uri_doc).

52.8. permissions.allowUri

Documentation missing (rpc_test_uri_doc).

Chapter 53.  RPC Exports for pike

Table of Contents

53.1. pike.top
53.2. pike.list

53.1. pike.top

Documentation missing (pike_top_doc).

53.2. pike.list

Documentation missing (pike_top_doc).

Chapter 54.  RPC Exports for pipelimit

54.1. pl.stats

Documentation missing (rpc_pl_stats_doc).

Returns an array.

54.2. pl.get_pipes

Documentation missing (rpc_pl_get_pipes_doc).

Returns an array.

54.3. pl.set_pipe

Documentation missing (rpc_pl_set_pipe_doc).

54.4. pl.get_pid

Print PID Controller parameters for the FEEDBACK algorithm: <ki> <kp> <kd>

54.5. pl.set_pid

Sets the PID Controller parameters for the FEEDBACK algorithm: <ki> <kp> <kd>

54.6. pl.push_load

Force the value of the load parameter for FEEDBACK algorithm: <load>

Chapter 55.  RPC Exports for prefix_route

55.1. prefix_route.reload

Documentation missing (rpc_reload_doc).

55.2. prefix_route.dump

Documentation missing (rpc_dump_doc).

Chapter 56.  RPC Exports for presence

56.1. presence.cleanup

Manually triggers the cleanup functions for the active_watchers, presentity, and watchers tables.

56.2. presence.refreshWatchers

Trigger refresh of watchers

Chapter 57.  RPC Exports for pua

Table of Contents

57.1. pua.cleanup

57.1. pua.cleanup

Execute pua cleanup.

Chapter 58.  RPC Exports for pua_rpc

58.1. pua.publish

Documentation missing (pua_rpc_publish_doc).

58.2. pua.subscribe

Documentation missing (pua_rpc_subscribe_doc).

Chapter 59.  RPC Exports for pv

Table of Contents

59.1. pv.shvSet
59.2. pv.shvGet

59.1. pv.shvSet

Documentation missing (rpc_shv_set_doc).

59.2. pv.shvGet

Documentation missing (rpc_shv_get_doc).

Chapter 60.  RPC Exports for ratelimit

60.1. rl.stats

Print ratelimit statistics: PIPE[<pipe_id>]: <last_counter>/<pipe_limit> (drop rate: <drop_rate>)

60.2. rl.get_pipes

Print pipes info: PIPE[<pipe_id>]: <pipe_algo_id>:<pipe_algo> <last_counter>/<pipe_limit> (drop rate: <drop_rate>) [<current_counter>]

60.3. rl.set_pipe

Sets a pipe params: <pipe_id> <pipe_algorithm> <pipe_limit>

60.4. rl.get_queues

Print queues info: QUEUE[queue_id]: <pipe_id>:<queue_method>

60.5. rl.set_queue

Sets queue params: <quue_id> <queue_method> <pipe_id>

60.6. rl.get_pid

Print PID Controller parameters for the FEEDBACK algorithm: <ki> <kp> <kd>

60.7. rl.set_pid

Sets the PID Controller parameters for the FEEDBACK algorithm: <ki> <kp> <kd>

60.8. rl.push_load

Force the value of the load parameter for FEEDBACK algorithm: <load>

60.9. rl.set_dbg

Sets the ratelimit debug/monitoing logs: 0-off 1-on

Chapter 61.  RPC Exports for regex

Table of Contents

61.1. regex.reload

61.1. regex.reload

Reload regex file

Chapter 62.  RPC Exports for rls

Table of Contents

62.1. rls.cleanup

62.1. rls.cleanup

Documentation missing (rls_rpc_cleanup_doc).

Chapter 63.  RPC Exports for rtpengine

63.1. rtpengine.reload

Documentation missing (rtpengine_rpc_reload_doc).

63.2. rtpengine.ping

Documentation missing (rtpengine_rpc_ping_doc).

63.3. rtpengine.show

Documentation missing (rtpengine_rpc_show_doc).

Returns an array.

63.4. rtpengine.enable

Documentation missing (rtpengine_rpc_enable_doc).

63.5. rtpengine.get_hash_total

Documentation missing (rtpengine_rpc_get_hash_total_doc).

Chapter 64.  RPC Exports for rtpproxy

64.1. rtpproxy.list

List rtp proxies.

Returns an array.

64.2. rtpproxy.enable

Set state (enable/disable) for a rtp proxy.

Chapter 65.  RPC Exports for sca

65.1. sca.all_subscriptions

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_show_all_subscriptions_doc).

65.2. sca.subscription_count

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_subscription_count_doc).

65.3. sca.show_subscription

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_show_subscription_doc).

65.4. sca.subscribers

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_show_subscribers_doc).

65.5. sca.deactivate_all_subscriptions

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_deactivate_all_subscriptions_doc).

65.6. sca.deactivate_subscription

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_deactivate_subscription_doc).

65.7. sca.all_appearances

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_show_all_appearances_doc).

65.8. sca.show_appearance

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_show_appearance_doc).

65.9. sca.seize_appearance

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_seize_appearance_doc).

65.10. sca.update_appearance

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_update_appearance_doc).

65.11. sca.release_appearance

Documentation missing (sca_rpc_release_appearance_doc).

Chapter 66.  RPC Exports for sctp

66.1. sctp.options

Documentation missing (core_sctp_options_doc).

66.2. sctp.info

Documentation missing (core_sctpinfo_doc).

Chapter 67.  RPC Exports for sipcapture

Table of Contents

67.1. sipcapture.status

67.1. sipcapture.status

Get status or turn on/off sipcapture.

Chapter 68.  RPC Exports for siptrace

Table of Contents

68.1. siptrace.status

68.1. siptrace.status

Get status or turn on/off siptrace. Parameters: on, off or check.

Chapter 69.  RPC Exports for sl

Table of Contents

69.1. sl.stats

69.1. sl.stats

Documentation missing (rpc_stats_doc).

Chapter 70.  RPC Exports for statsc

Table of Contents

70.1. statsc.report

70.1. statsc.report

Documentation missing (statsc_rpc_report_doc).

Chapter 71.  RPC Exports for tls

71.1. tls.reload

Documentation missing (tls_reload_doc).

71.2. tls.list

Documentation missing (tls_list_doc).

Returns an array.

71.3. tls.info

Documentation missing (tls_info_doc).

71.4. tls.options

Documentation missing (tls_options_doc).

Chapter 72.  RPC Exports for tm

72.1. tm.cancel

Documentation missing (rpc_cancel_doc).

72.2. tm.reply

Documentation missing (rpc_reply_doc).

72.3. tm.reply_callid

Documentation missing (rpc_reply_callid_doc).

72.4. tm.stats

Documentation missing (tm_rpc_stats_doc).

72.5. tm.hash_stats

Documentation missing (tm_rpc_hash_stats_doc).

72.6. tm.t_uac_start

Documentation missing (rpc_t_uac_start_doc).

72.7. tm.t_uac_wait

Documentation missing (rpc_t_uac_wait_doc).

Returns an array.

Chapter 73.  RPC Exports for tsilo

Table of Contents

73.1. ts.dump
73.2. ts.lookup

73.1. ts.dump

Documentation missing (rpc_tsilo_dump_doc).

73.2. ts.lookup

Documentation missing (rpc_tsilo_lookup_doc).

Chapter 74.  RPC Exports for uac

74.1. uac.reg_dump

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_dump_doc).

Returns an array.

74.2. uac.reg_info

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_info_doc).

74.3. uac.reg_enable

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_enable_doc).

74.4. uac.reg_disable

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_disable_doc).

74.5. uac.reg_reload

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_reload_doc).

74.6. uac.reg_refresh

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_refresh_doc).

74.7. uac.reg_remove

Documentation missing (rpc_uac_reg_remove_doc).

74.8. uac.reg_add

Add a record to memory.

Chapter 75.  RPC Exports for uid_domain

75.1. domain.reload

Documentation missing (domain_reload_doc).

75.2. domain.dump

Documentation missing (domain_dump_doc).

Chapter 76.  RPC Exports for uid_gflags

76.1. gflags.set

Load a CPL script to the server.

76.2. gflags.is_set

Load a CPL script to the server.

76.3. gflags.reset

Load a CPL script to the server.

76.4. gflags.flush

Load a CPL script to the server.

76.5. gflags.dump

Load a CPL script to the server.

76.6. global.reload

Reload global attributes from database

Chapter 77.  RPC Exports for userblacklist

77.1. userblacklist.reload_blacklist

Documentation missing (ubl_rpc_reload_blacklist_doc).

Chapter 78.  RPC Exports for usrloc

78.1. ul.dump

Dump user location tables

78.2. ul.lookup

Lookup one AOR in the usrloc location table

78.3. ul.rm

Delete a address of record including its contacts

78.4. ul.rm_contact

Delete a contact from an AOR record

78.5. ul.flush

Flush the usrloc memory cache to DB

78.6. ul.add

Add a new contact for an address of record

78.7. ul.db_users

Tell number of different unexpired users (AoRs) in database table (db_mode!=0 only)

78.8. ul.db_contacts

Tell number of unexpired contacts in database table (db_mode=3 only)

78.9. ul.db_expired_contacts

Tell number of expired contacts in database table (db_mode=3 only)

Chapter 79.  RPC Exports for websocket

79.1. ws.dump

List websocket connections

79.2. ws.close

Close a websocket connection by id

79.3. ws.ping

Send ping on a websocket connection by id

79.4. ws.pong

Send pong on a websocket connection by id

79.5. ws.enable

Enable websocket connection handling

79.6. ws.disable

Disable websocket connection handling

Chapter 80.  RPC Exports for xcap_client

80.1. xcap_client.refreshXcapDoc

Documentation missing (xcap_client_refreshXcapDoc_doc).

Chapter 81.  RPC Exports for xhttp_pi

Table of Contents

81.1. xhttp_pi.reload

81.1. xhttp_pi.reload

Reload the xml framework