AVPops Module

Ramona-Elena Modroiu

Edited by

Ramona-Elena Modroiu

Table of Contents
1. User's Guide
1.1. Overview
1.2. Dependencies
1.2.1. OpenSER Modules
1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications
1.3. Exported Parameters
1.3.1. avp_url (string)
1.3.2. avp_table (string)
1.3.3. avp_aliases (string)
1.3.4. use_domain (integer)
1.3.5. uuid_column (string)
1.3.6. username_column (string)
1.3.7. domain_column (string)
1.3.8. attribute_column (string)
1.3.9. value_column (string)
1.3.10. type_column (string)
1.3.11. db_scheme (string)
1.4. Exported Functions
1.4.1. avp_db_load(source,name)
1.4.2. avp_db_store(source,name)
1.4.3. avp_db_delete(source,name)
1.4.4. avp_write(value,name)
1.4.5. avp_delete(name)
1.4.6. avp_pushto(destination,name)
1.4.7. avp_check(name,op_value)
1.4.8. avp_print()
1.5. Installation & Running
2. Developer's Guide
3. Frequently Asked Questions
List of Examples
1-1. Set avp_url parameter
1-2. Set avp_table parameter
1-3. Set avp_aliases parameter
1-4. Set use_domain parameter
1-5. Set uuid_column parameter
1-6. Set username_column parameter
1-7. Set domain_column parameter
1-8. Set attribute_column parameter
1-9. Set value_column parameter
1-10. Set type_column parameter
1-11. Set db_scheme parameter
1-12. avp_db_load usage
1-13. avp_db_store usage
1-14. avp_db_delete usage
1-15. avp_write usage
1-16. avp_delete usage
1-17. avp_pushto usage
1-18. avp_check usage
1-19. avp_print usage

Chapter 1. User's Guide

1.1. Overview

AVPops (AVP-operations) modules implements a set of script functions which allow access and manipulation of user AVPs (preferences). AVPs are a powerful tool for implementing services/preferences per user/domain. Now they are usable directly from configuration script. Functions for interfacing DB resources (loading/storing/removing), functions for swapping information between AVPs and SIP messages, function for testing/checking the value of an AVP.

An up-to-date tutorial providing more information (detailed explanations and commented examples) can be found on Voice Sistem documentation web page at http://voice-system.ro/docs/avpops .

1.2. Dependencies

1.2.1. OpenSER Modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • Optionally a database module

1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running OpenSER with this module loaded:

  • None

1.3. Exported Parameters

1.3.1. avp_url (string)

DB URL for database connection.

This parameter is optional, it's default value being NULL.

Example 1-1. Set avp_url parameter


1.3.2. avp_table (string)

DB table to be used.

This parameter is optional, it's default value being NULL.

Example 1-2. Set avp_table parameter


1.3.3. avp_aliases (string)

Contains a multiple definition of aliases for AVP names.

This parameter is optional.

Example 1-3. Set avp_aliases parameter


1.3.4. use_domain (integer)

If the domain part of the an URI should be used for identifying an AVP in DB operations.

Default value is "0 (no)".

Example 1-4. Set use_domain parameter


1.3.5. uuid_column (string)

Name of column containing the uuid (unique user id).

Default value is "uuid".

Example 1-5. Set uuid_column parameter


1.3.6. username_column (string)

Name of column containing the username.

Default value is "username".

Example 1-6. Set username_column parameter


1.3.7. domain_column (string)

Name of column containing the domain name.

Default value is "domain".

Example 1-7. Set domain_column parameter


1.3.8. attribute_column (string)

Name of column containing the attribute name (AVP name).

Default value is "attribute".

Example 1-8. Set attribute_column parameter


1.3.9. value_column (string)

Name of column containing the AVP value.

Default value is "value".

Example 1-9. Set value_column parameter


1.3.10. type_column (string)

Name of column containing the AVP type.

Default value is "type".

Example 1-10. Set type_column parameter


1.3.11. db_scheme (string)

Definition of a DB schemeto be used for non-standard access to Database information.

Default value is "NULL".

Example 1-11. Set db_scheme parameter


1.4. Exported Functions

1.4.1. avp_db_load(source,name)

Loads from DB into memory the AVPs corresponding to the given source.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • source - what info is used for identifying the AVPs. Parameter syntax:

    • source = (sip_uri)['/'('username'|'domain')]) | (avp_alias) | str_value

    • sip_uri = '$from' | '$to' | '$ruri'

  • name - which AVPs will be loaded from DB into memory. Parameter syntax is:

    • name = avp_spec['/'(table_name|'$'db_scheme)]

    • avp_spec = ''|'s:'|'i:'|avp_name|avp_alias

Example 1-12. avp_db_load usage


1.4.2. avp_db_store(source,name)

Stores to DB the AVPs corresponding to the given source.

The meaning and usage of the parameters are identical as for avp_db_load(source,name) function. Please refer to its description.

Example 1-13. avp_db_store usage


1.4.3. avp_db_delete(source,name)

Deletes from DB the AVPs corresponding to the given source.

The meaning and usage of the parameters are identical as for avp_db_load(source,name) function. Please refer to its description.

Example 1-14. avp_db_delete usage


1.4.4. avp_write(value,name)

The function writes some value (given) or some information from the SIP message into a new AVP.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • value - the value to be written into the AVP. Parameter syntax:

    • value = (variable) | (fix_value)

    • variable = '$src_ip' | (sip_uri)['/'('username'|'domain')])

    • sip_uri = '$from' | '$to' | '$ruri'

    • fix_value = 'i:'integer | 's:'string | string

  • name - the name of the new written AVP. Parameter syntax is:

    • name = avp_name | avp_alias

Example 1-15. avp_write usage


1.4.5. avp_delete(name)

Deletes from memory the AVPs with name or, if empty, all AVPs.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • name - which AVPs will be deleted from memory. Parameter syntax is:

    • name = (''|'s:'|'i:'|avp_name|avp_alias)['/'flag]

    • flag = 'g'|'G'

Example 1-16. avp_delete usage


1.4.6. avp_pushto(destination,name)

Pushes the value of AVP(s) into the SIP message.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • destination - as what will be the AVP value pushed into SIP message. Parameter syntax:

    • destination = ruri_dst | hdr_dst

    • ruri_dst = '$ruri'['/'('username'|'domain')]

    • hdr_dst = '$hdr_name'['/'('request'|'reply')]

  • name - which AVP(s) should be pushed into the SIP message. Parameter syntax is:

    • name = ( avp_name | avp_alias )['/'flags]

    • flags = 'g'

Example 1-17. avp_pushto usage


1.4.7. avp_check(name,op_value)

Checks the value of the AVP(s) against an operator and value.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • name - which AVP(s) should be checked. Parameter syntax is:

    • name = ( avp_name | avp_alias )

  • op_value - define the operator, the value and flags for checking. Parameter syntax is:

    • op_value = operator '/' value ['/'flags]

    • operator = 'eq' | 'lt' | 'gt' | 're'

    • value = variable | fix_value

    • variable = '$from'|'$ruri'|'$from'|'$src_ip'|avp_alias

    • fix_value = 'i:'integer | 's:'string | string

    • flags = 'g' | 'G' | 'i' | 'I'

Example 1-18. avp_check usage

avp_check("i:678", "lt/i:345/g");

1.4.8. avp_print()

Prints the list with all the AVPs from memory. This is only a helper/debug function.

Example 1-19. avp_print usage


1.5. Installation & Running

The AVPOPS module requires one more column in the usr_preferences table than how it is created now by ser_mysql script. The missing column is "type". Till the discrepancy is fixed, please add by hand the column "type" integer, not null, default 0 .

Chapter 2. Developer's Guide

The module does not provide any API to use in other OpenSER modules.

Chapter 3. Frequently Asked Questions

3.1. Where can I find more documentation about this module?
3.2. Where can I post a question about this module?
3.3. How can I report a bug?

3.1. Where can I find more documentation about this module?

An up-to-date tutorial providing more information (detailed explanations and commneted examples) can be found on Voice Sistem documentation web page at http://voice-system.ro/docs/avpops .

3.2. Where can I post a question about this module?

Sent an email to or, if you want to keep the mail private, send it to .

Remember: first at all, check if your question was already answered on one of OpenSER mailing lists:

3.3. How can I report a bug?

Accumulate as much as possible information (OpenSER version, openser -V output, your OS (uname -a), OpenSER logs, network dumps, core dump files, configuration file) and send a mail to .