Table of Contents
List of Examples
Table of Contents
ACC_JSON module is used to account transaction information in a JSON dictionary. It binds to ACC module API and uses the same accounting mechanisms as for other backends.
It can output the JSON dictionary to MQUEUE or SYSLOG (even if Kamailio is not using syslog)
The module depends on the following modules (in the other words the listed modules must be loaded before this module):
acc - accounting module
mqueue - mqueue module (optional)
Request flag which needs to be set to account a transaction in acc_json. See acc_output_mqueue and acc_output_syslog
Default value is not-set (no flag).
Request flag which needs to be set to account missed calls in acc_json. See acc_output_mqueue and acc_output_syslog
Default value is not-set (no flag).
Extra values to be added to the json dictionary.
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.3. acc_extra example
... modparam("acc_json", "acc_extra", "via=$hdr(Via[*]); email=$avp(s:email)") ...
Prefix to identify values that will be considered to be already json encoded.
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.4. acc_json_pre_encoded_prefix example
... modparam("acc_json", "acc_extra", "json_data=$avp(json_data);") modparam("acc_json", "acc_json_pre_encoded_prefix", "json_") ... $avp(json_data) = '{"b":2, "c":3}'; ...
Store additional value related to the time of event.
Values can be:
0 - (default), save only unix timestamp for syslog and datetime for database.
1 - save seconds in time_attr and microseconds in time_exten.
2 - save seconds.milliseconds in time_attr.
3 - save formatted time according to time_format parameter, using the output of localtime(). Used for cdr entries too.
4 - save formatted time according to time_format parameter, using the output of gmtime(). Used for cdr entries too.
Specify the format to print the time for time_mode 3 or 4.
Default value is %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".
Example 1.6. acc_time_format example
... modparam("acc_json", "acc_time_format", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") ...
Requires the mqueue module. The acc module will queue json acc events in the specified mqueue. Using a rtimer module exec you can access the queue and process them.
You can also fetch the acc events using mqueue.fetch over JSON-RPC.
Default value is not-set mqueue will not be required.
Example 1.7. acc_output_mqueue usage example
... # example using json_mqueue/http_client to publish to NSQD max_while_loops=100000 modparam("mqueue", "mqueue", "name=acc_events;size=100000") modparam("acc_json", "acc_output_mqueue", "acc_events") modparam("acc_json", "acc_flag", 2) modparam("acc_json", "acc_extra", "caller_ip_port=$avp(caller_ip_port);") modparam("rtimer", "timer", "name=nsqt;interval=1;mode=1;") modparam("rtimer", "exec", "timer=nsqt;route=RUN_CDR_PUBLISH") modparam("http_client", "keep_connections", 1) modparam("http_client", "httpcon", "nsqd=>http://localhost:4151/pub?topic=acc") route[RUN_ACC_PUBLISH] { $var(count) = 0; while (mq_fetch("acc_events")) { $var(q_size) = mq_size("acc_events"); $var(count) = $var(count) + 1; xinfo("[RUN_ACC_PUBLISH][$var(q_size)][$var(count)][$mqk(acc_events)][$mqv(acc_events)]\n"); $var(res) = http_connect_raw("nsqd", "", "application/json", $mqv(acc_events), "$var(nsq_res)"); if ($var(res) < 0) { xerr("[RUN_ACC_PUBLISH][$var(res)] http_connect_raw: timeout or error !\n"); mq_add("acc_events", "acc_key", "$mqv(acc_events)"); } else if ($var(res) < 200 || $var(res) > 299) { xerr("[RUN_ACC_PUBLISH][$var(res)] http unexpected response code !\n"); mq_add("acc_dead_letter_queue", "acc_key", "$mqv(acc_events)"); return; } } if ($var(count) > 0 ) { xinfo("[RUN_CDR_PUBLISH]done count[$var(count)]\n"); } } ...
Control if the output of acc json should be sent to syslog. This is not dependent on Kamailio global logging settings, we can use syslog even if Kamailio is not daemonized and/or logging is done to sdtout stderr.
Default value is not-set (no flag).
Example 1.8. acc_output_syslog example
... modparam("acc_json", "acc_output_syslog", 1) modparam("acc_json", "acc_log_level", 2) modparam("acc_json", "acc_log_facility", "LOG_DAEMON") ...
Log facility to which accounting messages are issued to syslog. This allows to easily separate the accounting specific logging from the other log messages.
Default value is LOG_DAEMON.
Example 1.9. acc_log_facility example
... modparam("acc_json", "acc_log_facility", "LOG_LOCAL0") # modify you syslog/rsyslog config # /etc/rsyslog.d/default.conf # remove local0 from default log file # *.*;local0,auth,authpriv.none /var/log/syslog # add local0 to another log file # local0.* /var/log/json_acc.log ...
Log level at which accounting messages are issued to syslog.
Default value is 1 (L_NOTICE).
Example 1.10. acc_log_level example
... modparam("acc_json", "acc_log_level", 2) # Set acc_log_level to 2 (L_INFO) ...
Enable CDR reporting - one record per call is reported, relying on dialog module.
The value can be:
0 - off (default).
1 - on.
Set of pseudo-variables defining custom CDR fields.
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.12. cdr_extra example
... modparam("acc_json", "cdr_extra", "ci=$dlg_var(call_id);ft=$dlg_var(from_tag)") ...
Prefix to identify values that will be considered to be already json encoded.
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.13. cdr_json_pre_encoded_prefix example
... modparam("acc_json", "cdr_extra", "json_data=$avp(json_data);") modparam("acc_json", "cdr_json_pre_encoded_prefix", "json_") ... $avp(json_data) = '{"b":2, "c":3}'; ...
Should CDR-based logging be enabled in case of expired dialogs?
0 - off (default). 1 - on.
Example 1.14. cdr_expired_dlg_enable example
... modparam("acc_json", "cdr_expired_dlg_enable", 1) ...
Requires the mqueue module. The acc module will queue json cdr events in the specified mqueue. Using a rtimer module exec you can access the queue and process them.
You can also fetch the cdr events using mqueue.fetch over JSON-RPC.
Default value is not-set mqueue will not be required.
Example 1.15. cdr_output_mqueue usage example
... # example using json_mqueue/http_client to publish to NSQD modparam("mqueue", "mqueue", "name=cdr_events;size=100000") modparam("acc_json", "cdr_enable", 1) modparam("acc_json", "cdr_output_mqueue", "cdr_events") modparam("acc_json", "cdr_extra", "ci=$dlg_var(call_id)") modparam("rtimer", "timer", "name=nsqt;interval=1;mode=1;") modparam("rtimer", "exec", "timer=nsqt;route=RUN_CDR_PUBLISH") modparam("http_client", "keep_connections", 1) modparam("http_client", "httpcon", "nsqd=>http://localhost:4151/pub?topic=acc") route[RUN_CDR_PUBLISH] { $var(count) = 0; while (mq_fetch("cdr_events")) { $var(q_size) = mq_size("cdr_events"); $var(count) = $var(count) + 1; xinfo("[RUN_CDR_PUBLISH][$var(q_size)][$var(count)][$mqk(cdr_events)][$mqv(cdr_events)]\n"); $var(res) = http_connect_raw("nsqd", "", "application/json", $mqv(cdr_events), "$var(nsq_res)"); if ($var(res) < 0) { xerr("[RUN_CDR_PUBLISH][$var(res)] http_connect_raw: timeout or error !\n"); mq_add("cdr_events", "cdr_key", "$mqv(cdr_events)"); } else if ($var(res) < 200 || $var(res) > 299) { xerr("[RUN_CDR_PUBLISH][$var(res)] http unexpected response code !\n"); mq_add("cdr_dead_letter_queue", "cdr_key", "$mqv(cdr_events)"); return; } } if ($var(count) > 0 ) { xinfo("[RUN_CDR_PUBLISH]done count[$var(count)]\n"); } } ...
Log facility to which accounting messages are issued to syslog. This allows to easily separate the accounting specific logging from the other log messages.
Default value is LOG_DAEMON.
Example 1.16. cdr_log_facility example
... modparam("acc_json", "cdr_log_facility", "LOG_LOCAL0") # modify you syslog/rsyslog config # /etc/rsyslog.d/default.conf # remove local0 from default log file # *.*;local0,auth,authpriv.none /var/log/syslog # add local0 to another log file # local0.* /var/log/json_cdr.log ...