Table of Contents
List of Examples
Table of Contents
This module exports the Lua module 'sr', the old API existing before the KEMI framework. The module requires 'app_lua' module.
IMPORTANT: this module is kept to allow a smooth migration of the scripts using 'sr' module in Lua to KEMI framework and the 'KSR' module. It will be marked as obsolete in the near future and removed afterwards. If you find any function exported to Lua via 'sr' that has no alternative in Lua 'KSR' module, report it to sr-dev mailing list.
Lua ( is a fast and easy to embed scripting language. Exported API from Kamailio to Lua is documented in the dokuwiki.
The following modules must be loaded before this module:
app_lua - the Lua interpreter module.
various - the modules specified by the 'register' modparam.
The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:
liblua5.1-dev - Lua devel library.
This module can be compiled against LuaJIT compiler (instead of standard Lua). Then this library is needed:
To enable that, LUAJIT variable has to be set.
Example 1.1. Build against LuaJIT libraries
(Warning: LuaJIT version is 5.1, so scripts prepared for higher Lua versions
may not work with LuaJIT)
NOTE: Since Kamailio v5.0, KEMI exports are available in Lua script under KSR module exposed by 'app_lua'. These exports cover most of the modules, a lot more that those listed next. The KEMI exports are the recommended to be used, the old 'sr' module might be obsoleted soon. To read more about KEMI exports and available KSR submodules, see:
Use this parameter to register optional Kamailio submodules to Lua. Available submodules are:
alias_db - register functions from alias_db module under 'sr.alias_db'.
auth - register functions from auth module under 'sr.auth'.
auth_db - register functions from auth_db module under 'sr.auth_db'.
dispatcher - register functions from dispatcher module under 'sr.dispatcher'.
maxfwd - register functions from maxfwd module under 'sr.maxfwd'.
msilo - register functions from msilo module under 'sr.msilo'.
presence - register functions from presence module under 'sr.presence'.
presence_xml - register functions from presence_xml module under 'sr.presence_xml'.
pua_usrloc - register functions from pua_usrloc module under 'sr.pua_usrloc'.
registrar - register functions from registrar module under 'sr.registrar'.
rls - register functions from rls module under 'sr.rls'.
rr - register functions from rr module under 'sr.rr'.
sanity - register functions from sanity module under 'sr.sanity'.
sdpops - register functions from sdpops module under 'sr.sdpops'.
siputils - register functions from siputils module under 'sr.siputils'.
sl - register functions from sl module under ''.
sqlops - register functions from sqlops module under 'sr.sqlops'.
textops - register functions from textops module under 'sr.textops'.
tm - register functions from tm module under ''.
xhttp - register functions from xhttp module under 'sr.xhttp'.
Note that 'sr', 'sr.hdr' and 'sr.pv' modules are always registered to Lua.
Default value is “null”.