Table of Contents
List of Examples
Table of Contents
The module provides an NATS consumer for Kamailio. NATS is a real time distributed messaging platform, more details about it can be found at .
From a high-level perspective, the module may be used for:
Provide a real-time distributed messaging layer in Kamailio
Supported NATS operations are:
Subscribe to a Subject and Queue Group
The module creates invokes a consumer process for each defined `subject_queue_group`. The messages are visible in event routes matching the "subject" name.
The following libraries or applications must be installed
The nats url.
Usage: nats related.
Default value is nats://
Example 1.1.
... modparam("nats", "nats_url", "nats://") modparam("nats", "nats_url", "nats://user1:pass1127.0.1.2:4222") // with auth modparam("nats", "nats_url", "nats://") ...
The number of worker threads for publishing messages.
Usage: nats related.
Default value is “2”.
The NATS Subject and Queue Group. Separated by ":"
Usage: nats related.
Default value is not set.
Example 1.3.
... modparam("nats", "subject_queue_group", "Kamailio-World:2020") modparam("nats", "subject_queue_group", "Kamailio-World:2021") // this will create two processes for the Kamailio-World subject modparam("nats", "subject_queue_group", "MyQueue1:2021") modparam("nats", "subject_queue_group", "MyQueue2:2021") ...
Name of the KEMI function to be executed instead of the event route.
Default value is not set.
Example 1.4.
... modparam("nats", "event_callback", "ksr_nats_event") -- event callback function implemented in Lua function ksr_nats_event(evname)"===== nats module received event: " .. evname .. ", data:" .. KSR.pv.gete('$natsData') .. "\n"); return 1; end ...
The worker process issues an event-route where we can act on the received payload. The name of the event-route name must match the subject of the message.
Example 1.7. Define the event routes
... modparam("nats", "subject_queue_group", "Kamailio-World:2021") modparam("nats", "subject_queue_group", "MyQueue1:2021") ... event_route[nats:Kamailio-World] { if ($(natsData{json.parse,Event-Package}) == "dialog") { xlog("L_INFO", "received $(natsData{json.parse,Event-Package}) update for $(natsData{json.parse,From})"); pua_json_publish($natsData); } } event_route[nats:MyQueue1] { xlog("L_INFO", "received $(natsData{json.parse,Event-Package}) update for $(natsData{json.parse,From})"); ... }