Table of Contents
List of Examples
Table of Contents
rtp_media_server module adds RTP and media processing functionalities to Kamailio. Kamailio is providing SIP signaling including an endpoint with Dialog state, SDP parsing and scripting language.
oRTP: is providing Real-time Transport Protocol (RFC 3550)
mediastreamer2: is providing mediaprocessing functionnalities using graphs and filters, many modules are available to support various features, it should be relatively simple to integrated them.
mediastreamer2 is also providing a framework to create custom mediaprocessing modules.
The module includes Dockerfile that can also be used as a reference on how to build everything from source on Debian, the package of libmediastreamer on Linux is usually outdated. A Docker image is also available from dockerhub
The module depends on the following modules (in other words the listed modules must be loaded before this module):
tm - transaction module
The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:
If you want to build oRTP and mediastreamer from source, you can use the provided script for Debian "".
oRTP git clone git://
oRTP is a library implemeting Real-time Transport Protocol (RFC 3550), distributed under GNU GPLv2 or proprietary license.
mediastreamer2 git clone git://
Mediastreamer2 is a powerful and lightweight streaming engine specialized for voice/video telephony applications.
bcunit git clone
fork of the defunct project CUnit, with several fixes and patches applied. CUnit is a Unit testing framework for C.
Create a call leg with a SIP dialog and an RTP session call the event_route
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, REPLY_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.
Example 1.2. rms_answer usage example
... event_route[rms:start] { xnotice("[rms:start] play ...\n"); rms_play("/tmp/reference_8000.wav", "rms:after_play"); }; event_route[rms:after_play] { xnotice("[rms:after_play] play done...\n"); rms_hangup(); }; route { if (t_precheck_trans()) { t_check_trans(); exit; } t_check_trans(); if (is_method("INVITE") && !has_totag()) { if (!rms_answer("rms:start")) { t_reply("503", "server error"); } } rms_sip_request(); ...
Send a BYE, delete the RTP session and the media resources.
This function can be used from EVENT_ROUTE.
Bridge the incoming call, create a second call leg using a UAC in a B2BUA manner, this is needed in case we want to un-bridge later, a feature not currently implemented Call the specified event_route, defaulting to [rms:bridge].
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.
Example 1.4. rms_bridge usage example
... event_route[rms:bridged] { xnotice("[rms:bridged] !\n"); }; route { if (t_precheck_trans()) { t_check_trans(); exit; } t_check_trans(); if (is_method("INVITE") && !has_totag()) { $var(target) = "sip:" + $rU + ";"; if (!rms_bridge("$var(target)", "rms:bridged")) { t_reply("503", "server error"); } } if(rms_dialog_check()) // If the dialog is managed by the RMS module, the in-dialog request needs to be handled by it. rms_sip_request(); ...
Returns true if the current SIP message it handled/known by the RMS module, else it may be handled in any other way by Kamailio.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, REPLY_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.
Example 1.5. rms_dialog_check usage example
... if (rms_dialog_check()) { xnotice("This dialog is handled by the RMS module\n"); rms_sip_request(); } ...
This should be called for every in-dialog SIP request, it will be forwarded behaving as a B2BUA, the transaction will be suspended until the second leg replies.
If the SIP dialog is not found "481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" is returned.
This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE, REPLY_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.
Play a wav file, a resampler is automaticaly configured to resample and convert stereo to mono if needed.
The second parameter is the event route that will be called when the file was played.
This function can be used from EVENT_ROUTE.