Table of Contents
List of Examples
usageTable of Contents
IPv4 address to listen for HTTP2 connection. If not set, then it listens on all local addresses (port has to be specified by listen_port parameter).
Default value is "" (empty - not set).
Port or service name to listen for HTTP2 connection.
Default value is "8282".
The name of the function in the kemi configuration file (embedded scripting language such as Lua, Python, ...) to be executed instead of event_route[nghttp2:request] block.
The function has one string parameter with the value "nghttp2:request".
Default value is 'empty' (no function is executed for events).
Example 1.3. Set event_callback
... modparam("nghttp2", "event_callback", "ksr_nghttp2_event") ... -- event callback function implemented in Lua function ksr_nghttp2_event(evname)"===== nghttp2 module triggered event: " .. evname .. "\n"); return 1; end ...
Send back a reply with body. The body can be empty string. Both parameters can contain variables.
Example 1.4. nghttp2_reply
... event_route[nghttp2:request] { nghttp2_reply("200", "<html><body>OK</body></html>"); } ...
The event route is executed when a new HTTP request is received.
Inside it, the $nghttp2(...) group of variables is available, giving access to several attributes of the HTTP request, such as method, URL, data (body) or headers.
... ... loadmodule " ... event_route[nghttp2:request] { xinfo("request: $nghttp2(method) - url: $nghttp2(url) - data: [$nghttp2(data)]\n"); nghttp2_reply("200", "OK", "text/html", "<html><body>OK</body></html>"); } ...