Table of Contents
List of Examples
usageTable of Contents
The module reads content of files at startup and can evaluate the variables inside during runtime.
The definition of a template file:
The parameter can be set multiple times to get more templates in same configuration file.
name - name of the template.
fpath - path to the template file.
bsize - buffer size to evaluate the template (default: 1024).
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.1. Set tpl
... modparam("pvtpl", "tpl", "name=tpl1;fpath=/etc/kamailio/tpl1.pvtpl;bsize=512;") modparam("pvtpl", "tpl", "name=tpl2;fpath=/etc/kamailio/tpl2.pvtpl;bsize=256;") ...
The template file can contain text and config variables that are evaluate when running pvtpl_render() functions.
The templates files are loaded at startup and prepared for runtime. It is no option to reload the template files.