Copyright © 2006 FhG Fokus
Copyright © 2012 Smile Communications
Copyright © 2017 ng-voice GmbH
Table of Contents
load_cdp(struct cdp_binds
app_id, AAACommandCode command_code, AAAMsgFlag flags, AAASession
AAAReturnCode AAAFreeMessage(AAAMessage
AAAReturnCode AAASendMessage(AAAMessage
*message, AAATransactionCallback_f *callback_f, void
AAASendMessageToPeer(AAAMessage *message, str *peer_id,
AAATransactionCallback_f *callback_f, void
AAASendRecvMessage(AAAMessage *message)
AAASendRecvMessageToPeer(AAAMessage *message, str
AAASession* AAACreateSession(void
AAASession* AAAMakeSession(int
app_id,int type,str session_id)
AAASession* AAAGetSession(str
AAASessionLock(unsigned int
AAASessionUnLock(unsigned int
AAACreateClientAuthSession(int is_statefull,AAASessionCallback_f
*cb,void *generic_data)
AAACreateServerAuthSession(AAMessage *msg,int
is_statefull,AAASessionCallback_f *cb,void
AAASession* AAAGetAuthSession(str
AAACreateTransaction(AAAApplicationId app_id,AAACommandCode
int AAADropTransaction(AAATransaction
AAA_AVPFlag flags, AAAVendorId vendorId, char *data, size_t length,
AVPDataStatus data_status)
AAAAddAVPToMessage(AAAMessage *msg, AAA_AVP *avp, AAA_AVP
AAA_AVP* AAAFindMatchingAVP(AAAMessage
*msg, AAA_AVP *startAvp, AAA_AVPCode avpCode, AAAVendorId vendorId,
AAASearchType searchType)
AAAFindMatchingAVPList(AAA_AVP_LIST avpList, AAA_AVP *startAvp,
AAA_AVPCode avpCode, AAAVendorId vendorId, AAASearchType
AAAAddRequestHandler(AAARequestHandler_f *f,void
AAAAddResponseHandler(AAAResponseHandler_f *f,void
List of Examples
usageTable of Contents
CDP (C Diameter Peer) allows Diameter communication to and from Kamailio. Most of the code is inherited from DISC and OpenIMS and modified for use within Kamailio. A few improvements and new functionality has been added along the way, for example, threshold reporting on Diameter calls that are serviced above a certain threshold.
CDP forks the following processes:
1 x Timer
1 x Acceptor
k x Workers (k configurable through configuration)
i x Receivers (one for each peer plus one for unknown peers)
CDP is really only an API and offers all of its methods to other modules. No commands are made available to the main Kamailio configuration file. The exported API can be seen in mod.c. The Full Diameter API is in diameter.h and diameter_api.h. IMS-specific constants can be found in diameter_ims.h. The protocol coding is implemented in diameter_avp.c and diameter_msg.c. The diameter state machine is implemented in peerstatemachine.c - there is one of these for each peer which maintains all protocol/application state for each peer. peermanager.c is responsible for peer administration. Diameter transactions are implemented in transaction.c.
There are 2 configuration areas for CDP. Firstly it must be loaded and configured in the Kamailio.cfg file (this is the normal task associated with Kamailio modules). Then, an XML file is required to configure various Diameter parameters and all related peers and the associated routes.
This is the location of the XML configuration file.
Default value is “DiameterPeer.xml”.
Example 1.1. Set config_file
... modparam("cdp", "config_file", "/etc/kamailio/diametercfg.xml") ...
The time in ms above which a log error is written to log file for long CDP transactions.
Default value is “500”.
The time in ms above which a log error is written to log file for putting tasks into task queue.
Default value is “100”.
Example 1.3. Set workerq_latency_threshold
... modparam("cdp", "workerq_latency_threshold", 250) ...
The threshold of the length of the worker queue as a percentage of the maximum queue size - when exceeded a warning is written to the log file. 0 means disabled
Default value is “0”.
Example 1.4. Set workerq_length_threshold_percentage
... modparam("cdp", "workerq_length_threshold_percentage", 25) ...
Flag to enable a more verbose log, which tells you more details about peers. This is disabled by default because it brings to a log too much verbose in DBG mode Can be enabled upon needs
Default value is “0”.
Flag to enable TLS for communication with all the peers.
Default value is “0”.
Sets the TLS protocol method. Possible values are:
TLSv1.3+ - TLSv1.3 or newer connections are accepted (available starting with openssl/libssl v1.1.1)
TLSv1.3 - only TLSv1.3 connections are accepted (available starting with openssl/libssl v1.1.1)
TLSv1.2+ - TLSv1.2 or newer (TLSv1.3, ...) connections are accepted (available starting with openssl/libssl v1.1.1)
TLSv1.2 - only TLSv1.2 connections are accepted (available starting with openssl/libssl v1.0.1e)
TLSv1.1+ - TLSv1.1 or newer (TLSv1.2, ...) connections are accepted (available starting with openssl/libssl v1.0.1)
TLSv1.1 - only TLSv1.1 connections are accepted (available starting with openssl/libssl v1.0.1)
TLSv1+ - TLSv1.0 or newer (TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, ...) connections are accepted.
TLSv1 - only TLSv1 (TLSv1.0) connections are accepted. This is the default value.
Default value is “TLSv1.2”.
Sets the private key file name.
Example 1.8. Set private_key
... modparam("cdp", "private_key", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/my_pkey.pem") ...
Sets the certificate file name. Must be in PEM format.
Example 1.9. Set certificate
... modparam("cdp", "certificate", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/my_certificate.pem") ...
Sets the CA list file name. This file contains a list of all the trusted CAs certificates used when connecting to other SIP implementations. If a signature in a certificate chain belongs to one of the listed CAs, the verification of that certificate will succeed. If not set, the PCRF sent certificate is not checked.
The parameter must contain an absolute path. Only PEM files are accepted.
By default this parameter is not set.
An easy way to create the CA list is to append each trusted trusted CA certificate in the PEM format to one file.
Example 1.10. Set ca_list
... modparam("cdp", "ca_list", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/ca_list.pem") ...
The method checks, if a specific peer is connected and ready.
Meaning of the parameter is as follows:
fqdn - the Fully qualified domain name of the peer, that should be checked. The parameter may contain pseudovariables.
Example 1.11. cdp_check_peer
... if(!cdp_check_peer("")) { send_reply("503", "HSS not ready"); exit; } ...
The method checks, if any peer with this specific application has connected.
Meaning of the parameters are as follows:
vendorid - The Vendor ID of the App
application - The Application ID
Example 1.12. cdp_check_peer
... if(!cdp_has_app("10415", "4")) { send_reply("503", "Charging Server not ready"); exit; } ...
Example 1.13. cdp_check_peer
... if(!cdp_has_app("16777216")) { send_reply("503", "Cx/Dx Interface not ready"); exit; } ...
exported RPC commands.
This is an example CDP configuration file. The location of this file is configured as a CDP parameter (config_file) - See section 4.1 Above
Example 1.14. DiameterPeer.xml example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- DiameterPeer Parameters - FQDN - FQDN of this peer, as it should appear in the Origin-Host AVP - Realm - Realm of this peer, as it should appear in the Origin-Realm AVP - Vendor_Id - Default Vendor-Id to appear in the Capabilities Exchange - Product_Name - Product Name to appear in the Capabilities Exchange - AcceptUnknownPeers - Whether to accept (1) or deny (0) connections from peers with FQDN not configured below - DropUnknownOnDisconnect - Whether to drop (1) or keep (0) and retry connections (until restart) unknown peers in the list of peers after a disconnection. - Tc - Value for the RFC3588 Tc timer - default 30 seconds - Workers - Number of incoming messages processing workers forked processes. - Queue - Length of queue of tasks for the workers: - too small and the incoming messages will be blocked too often; - too large and the senders of incoming messages will have a longer feedback loop to notice that this Diameter peer is overloaded in processing incoming requests; - a good choice is to have it about 2 times the number of workers. This will mean that each worker will have about 2 tasks in the queue to process before new incoming messages will start to block. - ConnectTimeout - time in seconds to wait for an outbound TCP connection to be established. - TransactionTimeout - time in seconds after which the transaction timeout callback will be fired, when using transactional processing. - SessionsHashSize - size of the hash-table to use for the Diameter sessions. When searching for a session, the time required for this operation will be that of sequential searching in a list of NumberOfActiveSessions/SessionsHashSize. So higher the better, yet each hashslot will consume an extra 2xsizeof(void*) bytes (typically 8 or 16 bytes extra). - DefaultAuthSessionTimeout - default value to use when there is no Authorization Session Timeout AVP present. - MaxAuthSessionTimeout - maximum Authorization Session Timeout as a cut-out measure meant to enforce session refreshes. --> <DiameterPeer FQDN="" Realm="" Vendor_Id="10415" Product_Name="CDiameterPeer" AcceptUnknownPeers="0" DropUnknownOnDisconnect="1" Tc="30" Workers="4" QueueLength="32" ConnectTimeout="5" TransactionTimeout="5" SessionsHashSize="128" DefaultAuthSessionTimeout="60" MaxAuthSessionTimeout="300" > <!-- Definition of peers to connect to and accept connections from. For each peer found in here a dedicated receiver process will be forked. All other unknown peers will share a single receiver. NB: You must have a peer definition for each peer listed in the realm routing section --> <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/> <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/> <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/> <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/> <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/> <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/> <!-- Definition of incoming connection acceptors. If no bind is specified, the acceptor will bind on all available interfaces. --> <Acceptor port="3868" /> <Acceptor port="3869" bind="" /> <Acceptor port="3870" bind="" /> <!-- Definition of Auth (authorization) and Acct (accounting) supported applications. This information is sent as part of the Capabilities Exchange procedures on connecting to peers. If no common application is found, the peers will disconnect. Messages will only be sent to a peer if that peer actually has declared support for the application id of the message. --> <Acct id="16777216" vendor="10415" /> <Acct id="16777216" vendor="0" /> <Auth id="16777216" vendor="10415"/> <Auth id="16777216" vendor="0" /> <!-- Supported Vendor IDs - list of values which will be sent in the CER/CEA in the Supported-Vendor-ID AVPs --> <SupportedVendor vendor="10415" /> <!-- Realm routing definition. Each Realm can have a different table of peers to route towards. In case the Destination Realm AVP contains a Realm not defined here, the DefaultRoute entries will be used. Note: In case a message already contains a Destination-Host AVP, Realm Routing will not be applied. Note: Routing will only happen towards connected and application id supporting peers. The metric is used to order the list of preferred peers, while looking for a connected and application id supporting peer. In the end, of course, just one peer will be selected. --> <Realm name=""> <Route FQDN="" metric="3"/> <Route FQDN="" metric="5"/> </Realm> <Realm name=""> <Route FQDN="" metric="7"/> <Route FQDN="" metric="11"/> </Realm> <DefaultRoute FQDN="" metric="15"/> <DefaultRoute FQDN="" metric="13"/> </DiameterPeer>
Table of Contents
load_cdp(struct cdp_binds
app_id, AAACommandCode command_code, AAAMsgFlag flags, AAASession
AAAReturnCode AAAFreeMessage(AAAMessage
AAAReturnCode AAASendMessage(AAAMessage
*message, AAATransactionCallback_f *callback_f, void
AAASendMessageToPeer(AAAMessage *message, str *peer_id,
AAATransactionCallback_f *callback_f, void
AAASendRecvMessage(AAAMessage *message)
AAASendRecvMessageToPeer(AAAMessage *message, str
AAASession* AAACreateSession(void
AAASession* AAAMakeSession(int
app_id,int type,str session_id)
AAASession* AAAGetSession(str
AAASessionLock(unsigned int
AAASessionUnLock(unsigned int
AAACreateClientAuthSession(int is_statefull,AAASessionCallback_f
*cb,void *generic_data)
AAACreateServerAuthSession(AAMessage *msg,int
is_statefull,AAASessionCallback_f *cb,void
AAASession* AAAGetAuthSession(str
AAACreateTransaction(AAAApplicationId app_id,AAACommandCode
int AAADropTransaction(AAATransaction
AAA_AVPFlag flags, AAAVendorId vendorId, char *data, size_t length,
AVPDataStatus data_status)
AAAAddAVPToMessage(AAAMessage *msg, AAA_AVP *avp, AAA_AVP
AAA_AVP* AAAFindMatchingAVP(AAAMessage
*msg, AAA_AVP *startAvp, AAA_AVPCode avpCode, AAAVendorId vendorId,
AAASearchType searchType)
AAAFindMatchingAVPList(AAA_AVP_LIST avpList, AAA_AVP *startAvp,
AAA_AVPCode avpCode, AAAVendorId vendorId, AAASearchType
AAAAddRequestHandler(AAARequestHandler_f *f,void
AAAAddResponseHandler(AAAResponseHandler_f *f,void
Find and load the CDiameterPeer function bindings
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
struct cdp_binds *cdpb - structure holding function pointers
Create a Diameter request
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAApplicationId app_id - structure holding function pointers
AAACommandCode command_code - command code for the message
AAAMsgFlag flags - flags to be set
AAASession *session - session id to be set
Create a Diameter response to a give request
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *request - request that this response is for
Free up memory used by Diameter message
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage **msg - pointer to the pointer containing the message
Send Diameter message asynchronously
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *message - request message to be sent
AAATransactionCallback_f *callback_f - When the response is received, the callback_f(callback_param,...) is called
void *callback_param - generic param for callback
Send Diameter message to specific peer asynchronously
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *message - request message to send
str *peer_id - FQDN of peer to send to
AAATransactionCallback_f *callback_f - When the response is received, the callback_f(callback_param,...) is called
void *callback_param - generic param for callback
Send Diameter message synchronously. This blocks until a response is received or a transactional time-out happens.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *message - request message to be sent
Send Diameter message to specific peer synchronously. This blocks until a response is received or a transactional time-out happens.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *message - request message to send
str *peer_id - FQDN of peer to send to.
Create a generic Diameter session
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
void *generic_data - data to be save to session, useful for attaching app specific data to the session
Create a Diameter session using already known params
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
int app_id - app id to use
int type - type of session
str session_id - session ID
Retrieve a Diameter session. Returns with a lock on AAASession->hash - Unlock when done working with result
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
str id - Diameter session ID to search for
Drop a Diameter session - deallocating all memory
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAASession *s - session to drop
Lock a Diameter session (hash table row)
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
unsigned int hash - hash to lock
Unlock a Diameter session (hash table row)
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
unsigned int hash - hash to unlock
Creates an Authorisation session for the Client. It generate a new ID and adds to the list of CDP sessions. Returns with a lock on AAASession->hash
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
int is_statefull - is session stateful or not
AAASessionCallback_f *cb - callback function on session state change
void *generic_data - generic callback data
Create authorisation session for the Server. Generates a new ID and add to CDP list of sessions. Returns with a lock on AAASession->hash.
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAMessage *msg - request message from which to create server session
int is_statefull - is session stateful or not
AAASessionCallback_f *cb - callback function on session state change
void *generic_data - generic callback data
Look for an authorisation session. Returns with lock on AAASession->hash
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
str id - ID of Auth session to search for
Deallocates the memory taken by an Authorisation session
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAASession *s - Session to drop and deallocate memory for
Sends a service terminated event to the session
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAASession *s - authhorisation session to terminate
Create an AAATransaction for the given request
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAApplicationId app_id - ID of the request's application
AAACommandCode cmd_code - request's code
Deallocates the memory taken by AAA transaction
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAATransaction *trans - transaction to free
Create new AVP and return pointer to it
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAA_AVPCode code - code for new AVP
AAA_AVPFlag flags - flags to set
AAAVendorId vendorId - vendor ID for AVP
char *data - generic payload data
size_t length - length of payload data
AVPDataStatus data_status - what to do with the payload, duplicate, free with message, etc
Find and load the CDiameterPeer function bindings
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *msg - the message to add to
AAA_AVP *avp - the AVP to add
AAA_AVP *position - AVP to add after. if NULL, we add at beginning
Find and load the CDiameterPeer function bindings
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAMessage *msg - the message to search in
AAA_AVP *startAvp - at which AVP to start the search. Useful for looking for more of the same name
AAA_AVPCode avpCode - AVP code to match
AAAVendorId vendorId - AVP vendor ID to match
AAASearchType searchType - look forward or backward
Find and load the CDiameterPeer function bindings
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAA_AVP *avp - reference AVP
Find and load the CDiameterPeer function bindings
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAA_AVP **avp - pointer memory to be freed
Groups a list of AVPS into a data buffer
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAA_AVP_LIST avps - list of AVPS to group
Ungroup a data buffer into a list of AVPs
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
str buf - payload to ungroup list from
Find an AVP in an AVP list
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAA_AVP_LIST avpList - AVP list to search
AAA_AVP *startAvp - where to start the search
AAA_AVPCode avpCode - AVP code to match
AAAVendorId vendorId - vendor ID to match
AAASearchType searchType - forwards or backwards
Free AVP list and all its members
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAA_AVP_LIST *avpList - list to be freed
add a #AAARequestHandler_f callback to request being received
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAARequestHandler_f *f - callback function to be called on incoming requests
void *param - generic data passed to callback function
add a #AAAResponseHandler_f callback to responses being received
Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
AAAResponseHandler_f *f - callback function to be called on incoming responses
void *param - generic data to be passed to callback function
3.1. |
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3.3. |
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