Table of Contents
List of Examples
parameterTable of Contents
The module executes event route blocks or KEMI functions on dedicated processes at startup, upon an RPC command or data received on a custom UDP socket.
For startup event route, the execution can be delayed for a specified interval of time. The actions in the event route should be a loop or other tasks that run forever.
The following modules must be loaded before this module:
No dependencies on other Kamailio modules.
The definition of an exec task. The value of the parameter must have the following format:
The parameter can be set multiple times to get more exec tasks in same configuration file.
name - name of the event route to be executed. When used with a KEMI embedded language, this has to be the name of a function from the KEMI script. The function must have a string parameter, which will retrieve the index of the works in string format.
workers - if set to 0 or 1 the task is executed in a dedicated process. Any number > 1 will create more dedicated processes, each of them executing the startup task. For UDP data execution (when 'sockaddr' is set), only 1 worker process is created.
wait - timer interval in micro-seconds to wait inside the dedicated process before executing the task.
sockaddr - full UDP socket address in format 'udp:ip:port' (example: 'udp:'). Received data is made available in the event route via $evr(data).
Default value is NULL.
Example 1.1. Set exec
... modparam("evrexec", "exec", "name=evrexec:timer;wait=1000;workers=1;") modparam("evrexec", "exec", "name=evrexec:udp;sockaddr=udp:;workers=1;") ... event_route[evrexec:timer] { $var(x) = 0; while(1) { xlog("$$var(x) is $var(x)\n"); $var(x) = $var(x) + 1; sleep("600"); } } event_route[evrexec:udp] { xinfo("udp socket data: [$evr(data)] from [$evr(srcip)]\n"); } ...
Run an event_route block or a KEMI function upon an RPC command.
- the name of the event route block or the KEMI function.evdata
- (optional) - arbitrary data passed as a string, which is made available inside event route block as $evr(data).
RPC Command Format:
... event_route[evrexec:test] { xlog("rpc command data: $evr(data)\n"); } ... kamctl rpc evroute:test kamctl rpc evroute:test mydata ...