Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Voice Sistem SRL

Carsten Bock

ng-voice GmbH

Jason Penton

Smile Communications

Richard Good

Smile Communications

Edited by

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Carsten Bock

Jason Penton

Richard Good

Table of Contents

1. Admin Guide
1. Overview
2. How it works
3. Dialog profiling
4. Dependencies
4.1. Kamailio Modules
4.2. External Libraries or Applications
5. Parameters
5.1. enable_stats (integer)
5.2. hash_size (integer)
5.3. rr_param (string)
5.4. dlg_flag (integer)
5.5. timeout_avp (string)
5.6. default_timeout (integer)
5.7. dlg_extra_hdrs (string)
5.8. dlg_match_mode (integer)
5.9. detect_spirals (integer)
5.10. db_url (string)
5.11. db_mode (integer)
5.12. db_update_period (integer)
5.13. db_fetch_rows (integer)
5.14. profiles_with_value (string)
5.15. profiles_no_value (string)
5.16. bridge_controller (string)
5.17. initial_cbs_inscript (string)
6. Functions
6.1. set_dlg_profile(profile[, value])
6.2. unset_dlg_profile(profile[, value])
6.3. is_in_profile(profile[, value])
6.4. get_profile_size(profile[, value], size)
6.5. dlg_isflagset(flag)
6.6. dlg_setflag(flag)
6.7. dlg_resetflag(flag)
6.8. dlg_terminate
6.9. dlg_refer(side, address)
6.10. dlg_manage()
6.11. dlg_bridge(from, to, op)
6.12. dlg_get(callid, ftag, ttag)
6.13. is_known_dlg()
7. Exported statistics
7.1. active_dialogs
7.2. early_dialogs
7.3. processed_dialogs
7.4. expired_dialogs
7.5. failed_dialogs
8. MI Commands
8.1. dlg_list
8.2. dlg_list_ctx
8.3. dlg_end_dlg
8.4. dlg_terminate_dlg
8.5. profile_get_size
8.6. profile_list_dlgs
8.7. dlg_bridge
9. RPC Commands
9.1. dlg.list
9.2. dlg.list_ctx
9.3. dlg.dlg_list
9.4. dlg.dlg_list_ctx
9.5. dlg.end_dlg
9.6. dlg.profile_get_size
9.7. dlg.profile_list
9.8. dlg.bridge_dlg
10. Exported pseudo-variables
10.1. $DLG_count
10.2. $DLG_status
10.3. $DLG_lifetime
10.4. $dlg(...)
10.5. $dlg_ctx(...)
10.6. $dlg_var(key)
2. Developer Guide
1. Available Functions
1.1. register_dlgcb (dialog, type, cb, param, free_param_cb)
1.2. terminate_dlg (str callid, str ftag, str ttag, hdrs)
1.3. lookup_terminate_dlg (unsigned int h_entry, unsigned int h_id, hdrs)
1.4. set_dlg_var (dlg, key, val)
1.5. get_dlg_var (dlg, key)
1.6. get_current_dialog ()
3. Frequently Asked Questions

List of Examples

1.1. Set hash_size parameter
1.2. Set rr_param parameter
1.3. Set dlg_flag parameter
1.4. Set timeout_avp parameter
1.5. Set default_timeout parameter
1.6. Set dlf_extra_hdrs parameter
1.7. Set detect_spirals parameter
1.8. Set db_url parameter
1.9. Set db_mode parameter
1.10. Set db_update_period parameter
1.11. Set db_fetch_rows parameter
1.12. Set profiles_with_value parameter
1.13. Set profiles_no_value parameter
1.14. Set bridge_controller parameter
1.15. set_dlg_profile usage
1.16. unset_dlg_profile usage
1.17. is_in_profile usage
1.18. get_profile_size usage
1.19. dlg_isflagset usage
1.20. dlg_setflag usage
1.21. dlg_resetflag usage
1.22. dlg_terminate usage
1.23. dlg_get usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

Table of Contents

1. Overview
2. How it works
3. Dialog profiling
4. Dependencies
4.1. Kamailio Modules
4.2. External Libraries or Applications
5. Parameters
5.1. enable_stats (integer)
5.2. hash_size (integer)
5.3. rr_param (string)
5.4. dlg_flag (integer)
5.5. timeout_avp (string)
5.6. default_timeout (integer)
5.7. dlg_extra_hdrs (string)
5.8. dlg_match_mode (integer)
5.9. detect_spirals (integer)
5.10. db_url (string)
5.11. db_mode (integer)
5.12. db_update_period (integer)
5.13. db_fetch_rows (integer)
5.14. profiles_with_value (string)
5.15. profiles_no_value (string)
5.16. bridge_controller (string)
5.17. initial_cbs_inscript (string)
6. Functions
6.1. set_dlg_profile(profile[, value])
6.2. unset_dlg_profile(profile[, value])
6.3. is_in_profile(profile[, value])
6.4. get_profile_size(profile[, value], size)
6.5. dlg_isflagset(flag)
6.6. dlg_setflag(flag)
6.7. dlg_resetflag(flag)
6.8. dlg_terminate
6.9. dlg_refer(side, address)
6.10. dlg_manage()
6.11. dlg_bridge(from, to, op)
6.12. dlg_get(callid, ftag, ttag)
6.13. is_known_dlg()
7. Exported statistics
7.1. active_dialogs
7.2. early_dialogs
7.3. processed_dialogs
7.4. expired_dialogs
7.5. failed_dialogs
8. MI Commands
8.1. dlg_list
8.2. dlg_list_ctx
8.3. dlg_end_dlg
8.4. dlg_terminate_dlg
8.5. profile_get_size
8.6. profile_list_dlgs
8.7. dlg_bridge
9. RPC Commands
9.1. dlg.list
9.2. dlg.list_ctx
9.3. dlg.dlg_list
9.4. dlg.dlg_list_ctx
9.5. dlg.end_dlg
9.6. dlg.profile_get_size
9.7. dlg.profile_list
9.8. dlg.bridge_dlg
10. Exported pseudo-variables
10.1. $DLG_count
10.2. $DLG_status
10.3. $DLG_lifetime
10.4. $dlg(...)
10.5. $dlg_ctx(...)
10.6. $dlg_var(key)

1. Overview

The ims_dialog module provides dialog awareness to the Kamailio proxy. Its functionality is to keep track of the current dialogs, to offer information about them (like how many dialogs are active) or to manage them. The module exports several functions that could be used directly from scripts. The ims_dialog module extends the original dialog module by providing support for forked calling and early dialog termination. It is the intention that the ims_dialog module will eventually replace the dialog module.

The module, via an internal API, also provide the foundation to build on top of it more complex dialog-based functionalities via other Kamailio modules.

2. How it works

To create the dialog associated to an initial request, the flag dlg_flag ( Section 5.4, “ dlg_flag (integer) ”) must be set before creating the corresponding transaction.

The dialog is automatically destroyed when a BYE is received. In case of no BYE, the dialog lifetime is controlled via the default timeout (see default_timeout - Section 5.6, “ default_timeout (integer) ”) and custom timeout (see timeout_avp - Section 5.5, “ timeout_avp (string) ”). The dialog timeout is reset each time a sequential request passes.

3. Dialog profiling

Dialog profiling is a mechanism that helps in classifying, sorting and keeping trace of certain types of dialogs, using whatever properties of the dialog (like caller, destination, type of calls, etc). Dialogs can be dynamically added in different (and several) profile tables - logically, each profile table can have a special meaning (like dialogs outside the domain, dialogs terminated to PSTN, etc).

There are two types of profiles:

  • with no value - a dialog simply belongs to a profile. (like outbound calls profile). There is no other additional information to describe the dialog's belonging to the profile;

  • with value - a dialog belongs to a profile having a certain value (like in caller profile, where the value is the caller ID). The belonging of the dialog to the profile is strictly related to the value.

A dialog can be added to multiple profiles in the same time.

Profiles are visible (at the moment) in the request route (for initial and sequential requests) and in the branch, failure and reply routes of the original request.

4. Dependencies

4.1. Kamailio Modules

The following modules must be loaded before this module:

  • TM - Transaction module

  • RR - Record-Route module

4.2. External Libraries or Applications

The following libraries or applications must be installed before running Kamailio with this module loaded:

  • None.

5. Parameters

5.1.  enable_stats (integer)

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

5.2.  hash_size (integer)

The size of the hash table internally used to keep the dialogs. A larger table is much faster but consumes more memory. The hash size must be a power of two number.

IMPORTANT: If dialogs' information should be stored in a database, a constant hash_size should be used, otherwise the restoring process will not take place. If you really want to modify the hash_size you must delete all table's rows before restarting the server.

Default value is 4096.

Example 1.1. Set hash_size parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "hash_size", 1024)

5.3.  rr_param (string)

Name of the Record-Route parameter to be added with the dialog cookie. It is used for the fast dialog matching of sequential requests.

Default value is did.

Example 1.2. Set rr_param parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "rr_param", "xyz")

5.4.  dlg_flag (integer)

Flag to be used for marking if a dialog should be constructed for the current request (this makes sense only for initial requests).

Default value is none.

Example 1.3. Set dlg_flag parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "dlg_flag", 4)

5.5.  timeout_avp (string)

The specification of an AVP that contain a custom timeout (in seconds) for the dialog. It may be used only in a request (initial or sequential) context

Default value is none.

Example 1.4. Set timeout_avp parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "timeout_avp", "$avp(i:10)")

5.6.  default_timeout (integer)

The default dialog timeout (in seconds) if no custom one is set.

Default value is 43200 (12 hours).

Example 1.5. Set default_timeout parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "default_timeout", 21600)

5.7.  dlg_extra_hdrs (string)

A string containing the extra headers (full format, with EOH) to be added in the requests generated by the module (like BYEs).

Default value is NULL.

Example 1.6. Set dlf_extra_hdrs parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "dlg_extra_hdrs", "Hint: credit expired\r\n")

5.8.  dlg_match_mode (integer)

Deprecated - in the new dialog module we always match using DID ONLY

5.9.  detect_spirals (integer)

Whether spirals (i.e., messages routed through the proxy multiple times) should be detected or not.

If set to 0, spirals will not be detected and result in the generation of a new, possibly dangling dialog structure per occurring spiral. If set to 1, spirals are detected and internally mapped to existing dialog structures.

Default value is 1.

Example 1.7. Set detect_spirals parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "detect_spirals", 1)

5.10.  db_url (string)

In order to store information about dialogs in a database, a database URL must be specified.

Default value is mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio.

Example 1.8. Set db_url parameter

    modparam("ims_dialog", "db_url", "dbdriver://username:password@dbhost/dbname")

5.11.  db_mode (integer)

This is the database mode to be used for dialog persistent storage.

  • 0 - NO_DB - the memory content is not flushed into DB;

  • 1 - REALTIME - any dialog information changes will be reflected into the database immediately.

  • 2 - DELAYED - the dialog information changes will be flushed into DB periodically, based on a timer routine.

  • 3 - SHUTDOWN - the dialog information will be flushed into DB only at shutdown - no runtime updates.

Default value is 0.

Example 1.9. Set db_mode parameter

    modparam("ims_dialog", "db_mode", 1)

5.12.  db_update_period (integer)

The interval (seconds) at which to update dialogs' information, if the server is configured to store the dialog information at a given interval. A too short interval will generate intensive database operations, while an excessively long one will miss dialogs with a short lifetime.

Default value is 60 seconds.

Example 1.10. Set db_update_period parameter

    modparam("ims_dialog", "db_update_period", 120)

5.13.  db_fetch_rows (integer)

The number of the rows to be fetched at once from database when loading the dialog records at startup from the database. This value can be used to tune the load time at startup. For 1MB of private memory (default), it should be below 400. The database driver must support the fetch_result() capability. A value of 0 means the database fetch is not limited.

Default value is 200.

Example 1.11. Set db_fetch_rows parameter

    modparam("ims_dialog", "db_fetch_rows", 500)

5.14.  profiles_with_value (string)

List of names for profiles with values.

Default value is empty.

Example 1.12. Set profiles_with_value parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "profiles_with_value", "caller ; my_profile")

5.15.  profiles_no_value (string)

List of names for profiles without values.

Default value is empty.

Example 1.13. Set profiles_no_value parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "profiles_no_value", "inbound ; outbound")

5.16.  bridge_controller (string)

SIP address to be used in From header when initiating a call bridge.

Default value is

Example 1.14. Set bridge_controller parameter

modparam("ims_dialog", "bridge_controller", "")

5.17.  initial_cbs_inscript (string)

This has been deprecated since dlg_manage has been removed.

6. Functions

6.1.  set_dlg_profile(profile[, value])

Inserts the current dialog into a profile. Note that if the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded. Also, there is no check for inserting the same dialog in the same profile for multiple times.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • profile - name of the profile to be added to;

  • value (optional) - string value to define the belonging of the dialog to the profile - note that the profile must support values. Pseudo-variables are supported.


Example 1.15.  set_dlg_profile usage


6.2.  unset_dlg_profile(profile[, value])

Removes the current dialog from a profile.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • profile - name of the profile to be removed from;

  • value (optional) - string value to define the belonging of the dialog to the profile - note that the profile must support values. Pseudo-variables are supported.

This function can be used from BRANCH_ROUTE, REPLY_ROUTE and FAILURE_ROUTE.

Example 1.16.  unset_dlg_profile usage


6.3.  is_in_profile(profile[, value])

Checks if the current dialog belongs to a profile. If the profile supports values, the check can be reinforced to take into account a specific value - if the dialog was inserted into the profile for a specific value. If no value is passed, only the simply belonging of the dialog to the profile is checked. Note that if the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • profile - name of the profile to be checked against;

  • value (optional) - string value to further restrict the check. Pseudo-variables are supported.


Example 1.17.  is_in_profile usage

if (is_in_profile("inbound_call")) {
	log("this request belongs to an inbound call\n");
if (is_in_profile("caller","XX")) {
	log("this request belongs to a call of user XX\n");

6.4.  get_profile_size(profile[, value], size)

Returns the number of dialogs belonging to a profile. If the profile supports values, the check can be reinforced to take into account a specific value - how many dialogs were inserted into the profile with a specific value. If no value is passed, only simply belonging of the dialog to the profile is checked. Note that if the profile does not supports values, this will be silently discarded.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • profile - name of the profile to get the size for;

  • value (optional) - string value to further restrict the check. Pseudo-variables are supported;

  • size - an AVP or script variable to return the profile size in.


Example 1.18.  get_profile_size usage

    xlog("currently there are $avp(size) inbound calls\n");
    xlog("currently, the user $fu has $avp(size) active outgoing calls\n");

6.5.  dlg_isflagset(flag)

Check if the dialog flag is set or not.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • flag - index of the flag - can be pseudo-variable.


Example 1.19.  dlg_isflagset usage


6.6.  dlg_setflag(flag)

Set the dialog flag.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • flag - index of the flag - can be pseudo-variable.


Example 1.20.  dlg_setflag usage


6.7.  dlg_resetflag(flag)

Reset the dialog flag.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • flag - index of the flag - can be pseudo-variable.


Example 1.21.  dlg_resetflag usage


6.8.  dlg_terminate

Terminates a dialog. In ims_dialog module this function now includes support for early as well as confirmed dialogs.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • side - which side to terminate. It can be: caller, callee or both of them.

  • reason - reason for termination.


Example 1.22.  dlg_terminate usage

dlg_terminate("all", "Insufficient QoS");

6.9.  dlg_refer(side, address)

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

6.10.  dlg_manage()

This has been deprecated in ims_dialog. Instead set dialog flag for initial INVITE and Route-parameter-callback execution for within-dialog requests.

6.11.  dlg_bridge(from, to, op)

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

6.12.  dlg_get(callid, ftag, ttag)

Search and set current dialog based on Call-ID, From-Tag and To-Tag parameters.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • callid - SIP call-id.

  • ftag - SIP From tag.

  • ttag - SIP To tag.


Example 1.23. dlg_get usage

if(dlg_get("abcdef", "123", "456"))

6.13.  is_known_dlg()

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

7. Exported statistics

7.1.  active_dialogs

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

7.2.  early_dialogs

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

7.3.  processed_dialogs

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

7.4.  expired_dialogs

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

7.5.  failed_dialogs

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

8. MI Commands

8.1.  dlg_list

Lists the description of a dialog or of all dialogs (calls). If only one dialogs is to be listed, the dialog identifiers are to be passed as parameter (callid and fromtag). In ims_dialog module this also now also lists all dlg_out entries for early dialogs.

Name: dlg_list


  • callid (optional) - callid if a single dialog to be listed.

  • from_tag (optional, but cannot be present without the callid parameter) - from tag (as per initial request) of the dialog to be listed. Note that if the from_tag is not specified, only dialogs created by a request without a from tag are matched, which will only occur with broken clients and is thus a very rare situation.

MI FIFO Command Format:


8.2.  dlg_list_ctx

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

8.3.  dlg_end_dlg

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

8.4.  dlg_terminate_dlg

Terminates a single dialog, identified by the call_id, ftag, ttag. In ims_dialog module this dialog can be terminated in the early or confirmed states.

Name: dlg_terminate_dlg


  • callid - callid of the dialog to be terminated.

  • ftag fromtag of dialog to be terminated.

  • ttag totag of dialog to be terminated.

Note: Works for confirmed and early dialogs.

MI FIFO Command Format:

		AAdfeEFF33 ftag-1234 t-tag1234

8.5.  profile_get_size

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

8.6.  profile_list_dlgs

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

8.7.  dlg_bridge

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9. RPC Commands

9.1.  dlg.list

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.2.  dlg.list_ctx

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.3.  dlg.dlg_list

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.4.  dlg.dlg_list_ctx

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.5.  dlg.end_dlg

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.6.  dlg.profile_get_size

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.7.  dlg.profile_list

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

9.8.  dlg.bridge_dlg

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

10. Exported pseudo-variables

10.1.  $DLG_count

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

10.2.  $DLG_status

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

10.3.  $DLG_lifetime

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

10.4.  $dlg(...)

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

10.5.  $dlg_ctx(...)

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

10.6.  $dlg_var(key)

This function is currently not supported by the ims_dialog module. To be incorporated in the future.

Chapter 2. Developer Guide

1. Available Functions

1.1.  register_dlgcb (dialog, type, cb, param, free_param_cb)

Register a new callback to the dialog.

Meaning of the parameters is as follows:

  • struct dlg_cell* dlg - dialog to register callback to. It may be NULL only for DLGCB_CREATED callback type, which is not a per dialog type.

  • int type - types of callbacks; more types may be registered for the same callback function; only DLGCB_CREATED must be registered alone. Possible types:


    • DLGCB_CREATED - called when a new dialog is created - it's a global type (not associated to any dialog)

    • DLGCB_FAILED - called when the dialog was negatively replied (non-2xx) - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_CONFIRMED_NA - called when the dialog is confirmed (2xx replied) but the setup-concluding ACK message from the caller is yet pending - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_CONFIRMED - called when the dialog is confirmed (2xx replied) and the setup-concluding ACK message from the caller has been seen - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_REQ_WITHIN - called when the dialog matches a sequential request (excluding setup-concluding ACK messages which are handled in DLGCB_CONFIRMED) - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_TERMINATED - called when the dialog is terminated via BYE - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_TERMINATED_CONFIRMED - called when response to a BYE request is received - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_EXPIRED - called when the dialog expires without receiving a BYE - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_EARLY - called when the dialog is created in an early state (18x replied) - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_RESPONSE_FWDED - called when the dialog matches a reply to the initial INVITE request - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_RESPONSE_WITHIN - called when the dialog matches a reply to a subsequent in dialog request - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_MI_CONTEXT - called when the mi dlg_list_ctx command is invoked - it's a per dialog type.

    • DLGCB_SPIRALED - called when the dialog matches a spiraling request - it's a per dialog type.


  • dialog_cb cb - callback function to be called. Prototype is: void (dialog_cb) (struct dlg_cell* dlg, int type, struct dlg_cb_params * params);

  • void *param - parameter to be passed to the callback function.

  • param_free callback_param_free - callback function to be called to free the param. Prototype is: void (param_free_cb) (void *param);

1.2.  terminate_dlg (str callid, str ftag, str ttag, hdrs)

Terminate a Dialog identified by callid, ftag and ttag in early or confirmed state.

Meaning of parameters is as follows:

  • str* callid - callid of dialog to terminate.

  • str* ftag - from_tag of dialog to terminate.

  • str* ttag - to tag of dialog to terminate.

  • str* hdrs - string containing extra headers (full format) to be added to the BYE requests of the dialog.

1.3.  lookup_terminate_dlg (unsigned int h_entry, unsigned int h_id, hdrs)

Terminate a Dialog identified by h_entry and h_id (similar to dlg_end_dlg command via XMLRPC).

Meaning of parameters is as follows:

  • unsigned int h_entry - Number of the table, where to find the dialog

  • unsigned int h_id - Number of the entry in the table, where to find the dialog terminate.

  • str* hdrs - string containing extra headers (full format) to be added to the BYE requests of the dialog.

1.4.  set_dlg_var (dlg, key, val)

Add a variable to the dialog structure

Meaning of parameters is as follows:

  • struct dlg_cell* dlg - dialog to add to.

  • str* key - Name of the variable.

  • str* val - Value of the variable.

1.5.  get_dlg_var (dlg, key)

Retrieves a variable attached to the dialog structure

Meaning of parameters is as follows:

  • struct dlg_cell* dlg - dialog to get the variable from.

  • str* key - Name of the variable.

1.6.  get_current_dialog ()

Get the current dialog for a message, if exists

Chapter 3. Frequently Asked Questions

3.1. What happened with “use_tight_match” parameter?
3.2. Why is there an ims_dialog module and a dialog module?
3.3. Where can I find more about Kamailio?
3.4. Where can I post a question about this module?
3.5. How can I report a bug?


What happened with use_tight_match parameter?

The parameter was removed with version 1.3 as the option of tight matching became mandatory and not configurable. Now, the tight matching is done all the time (when using DID matching).


Why is there an ims_dialog module and a dialog module?

The ims_dialog module addresses shortcomings in the initial dialog module design. It makes some large changes to the API and therefore must be introduced slowly. It is currently in the early development stages. Eventually the ims_dialog module should replace the dialog module.


Where can I find more about Kamailio?

Take a look at


Where can I post a question about this module?

First at all check if your question was already answered on one of our mailing lists:

E-mails regarding any stable Kamailio release should be sent to and e-mails regarding development versions should be sent to .


How can I report a bug?

Please follow the guidelines provided at: