====== Mono - C# API for Kamailio v4.1.x ====== Kamailio can execute managed code assemblies via **app_mono** module: * http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/4.1.x/modules/app_mono.html The C# API exported by Kamailio to the embedded Mono interpreter is defined in **SR.cs** file located in source tree **modules/app_mono/lib/SR.cs**. To compile **SR.cs** to a library, use: gmcs -t:library SR.cs This will generate the file **SR.dll**. To link your C# file to it, use: $ gmcs -r:SR.dll MyFile.cs The API is stored in a **namespace**, named **SR**. The several classes offer access to internal Kamailio functionalities via public static functions. ===== Class Core ===== ==== APIVersion ==== public extern static string APIVersion(); Return API version string. ==== Log ==== public extern static void Log(int level, string text); Write a message via Kamailio logging system to specified log level. ==== Err ==== public extern static void Err(string text); Write a message via Kamailio logging system to error log level. ==== Dbg ==== public extern static void Dbg(string text); Write a message via Kamailio logging system to debug log level. ==== ModF ==== public extern static int ModF(string text); Execute the function named by the value of parameter 'text' exported by a Kamailio module. It has to be a function with no parameters. ===== Class PV ===== ==== GetS ==== public extern static string GetS(string pvn); Get the string value of a pseudo-variable. ==== GetI ==== public extern static int GetI(string pvn); Get the integer value of a pseudo-variable. ==== SetS ==== public extern static int SetS(string pvn, string val); Set the pseudo-variable to a string value. ==== SetI ==== public extern static int SetI(string pvn, int val); Set the pseudo-variable to an integer value. ==== Unset ==== public extern static int Unset(string pvn); Unset the pseudo-variable (like assigning $null in kamailio.cfg). ==== IsNull ==== public extern static int IsNull(string pvn); Return true if the pseudo-variable is null. ===== Class HDR ===== ==== Append ==== public extern static int Append(string hv); Add a header to the end of the headers list. The parameter must be full header, including name, body header and ending '\r\n'. ==== Remove ==== public extern static int Remove(string name); Remove all headers matching the name. ==== Insert ==== public extern static int Insert(string hv); Add a header to the beginning of the headers list. The parameter must be full header, including name, body header and ending '\r\n'. ==== AppendToReply ==== public extern static int AppendToReply(string hv); Add a header to the headers list for local reply. The parameter must be full header, including name, body header and ending '\r\n'. ===== Example ===== A basic example of C# application using SR API: using SR; namespace MySRTest { class Test { static int Main(string[] args) { SR.Core.Log(1, "Kamailio API Version: " + SR.Core.APIVersion() + "\n"); if (args.Length == 1) { SR.Core.Log(1, "Parameter from Kamailio config:" + args[0] + "\n"); } SR.Core.Dbg("Request URI is: " + SR.PV.GetS("$ru") + "\n"); SR.PV.SetS("$rU", "123"); SR.HDR.AppendToReply("My-Mono-Hdr: ok\r\n"); SR.Core.ModF("sl_reply_error"); return 1; } } }