Table of Contents
Kamailio SIP Server - New features in version 3.2.0
The page collects the summary (draft notes) of the new features in Kamailio (OpenSER) version 3.2.x.
The release date for version 3.2.0: October 18, 2011.
Full commits log for release 3.2.0 is available at:
Configuration File
The default configuration file shipped with Kamailio v3.2.0 has several enhancements comparing to v3.1.0. You can read more about all features provided by default configuration file in the comments located at the top of it. Shortly about the enhancements in 3.2.0:
- refactored NAT traversal logic
- use of rtpproxy_manage() to handle properly cases when 200ok and ACK have the SDP
- enable RTP relaying in branch_route to optimize handling of parallel forking to natted and non-natted branches for the same call
- speed dial support - enabled when adding #!define WITH_SPEEDDIAL after the first line
- routing to voicemail in case of not available - enabled when adding #!define WITH_VOICEMAIL after the first line and setting the voicemail server address in voicemail.srv_ip variable
- blocking of redirect replies (3xx replies) - enabled when adding #!define WITH_BLOCK3XX after the first line
- acc module shows how to store source IP for each accounted record
- TCP connection lifetime is set over one hour to cope better with devices behind NAT connected over TCP or TLS
- main request routing block name switched to request_route in order to be easy to refer to it. Note that route is still valid name for main request routing block.
- load debugger module for WITH_DEBUG - set cfgtrace parameter to 1 in this case
New Modules
- collector for asynchronous config functions
- async_route(…) - execute a route block asynchronously after an interval of time
- async_sleep(…) - asynchronous sleep for usage when processing SIP requests
- database connector for SQLite
- good option to use for small (or embedded) SIP servers, as alternative to big DB servers such as MySQL or Postgres
- distributed message queue using SIP to communicate between peers (SIP server instances)
- IPv4 and IPv6 related functions for config file
- among implemented functions: is_ipv4(ip), is_ipv6(ip), compare_ips(ip1, ip2), ip_type(ip)
- json parser for configuration file
- get the values from a JSON document
- example:
json_get_field("{'foo':'bar'}", "foo", "$var(foo)"); xlog("foo is $var(foo)");
- JSON-RPC client over tcp/netstrings
- send notifications to a JSON-RPC server
- invoke execution of a JSON-RPC to a server
- connector to Redis no-SQL database engine
- uses hiredis library
- exports function to send commands to redis and a new pseudo-variable class to access the reply: $redis(key)
- Support for RFC 3680 in the presence architecture of Kamailio
- handle PUBLISH requests with reg-info content
- notify watcher with updates of reg-info records
- publish registration info (reg-info) according to RFC 3680 (“reg”-package), in case a user registration (based on usrloc callbacks)
- partitioned user location service
- similar to usrloc module, but provides partitioned user location. This provides 3 benefits:
- Redundancy - if a location db is down, there is a spare running
- Load Balancing - the module balances the entries by hashing the username(or username@domain)
- Failover- in case of error and recovery, it ensures that no stale contacts are returned
- module to control the content of the SDP payload from configuration file
- spd_remove_codecs_by_id(list) - remove the codecs by their numeric IDs given in a comma separated list as parameter
- spd_remove_codecs_by_name(list) - remove the codecs by their names given in a comma separated list as parameter
- spd_keep_codecs_by_id(list) - keep the codecs by their numeric IDs given in a comma separated list as parameter
- spd_keep_codecs_by_name(list) - keep the codecs by their names given in a comma separated list as parameter
- sdp_print(level) - print the parsed sdp structure to the debug 'level' (integer representation of log levels). Good for debug purposes
- sdp_with_media(type) - return true if the sdp has 'media=type' (e.g., media=video)
- SIP traffic capturing server extension for Homer project
- save to database mirrored traffic from other SIP server instances - mirroring can be done by siptrace module
IMS Extensions
- the IMS related modules resides in carstenbock/ims branch and not included in the release of version 3.2.x. However, they can be tested using 3.2.x, links to installation guidelines for IM extensions are available at:
- The CDP (C-Diameter-Peer) modules provide an Diameter-interface, which are used by several components of the OpenIMS-core: They are used as Cx-Interface for the I-/S-CSCF and for the Rx-Interface for the P-CSCF. The modules may be used in other ways, too (e.g. for an Sh-Interface for an Kamailio-based aplication server)
- The Proxy-CSCF in the IMS Architecture acts as an entry point to the network. The pcscf module of the original OpenIMS-core aggregates many functions required at this component: Header manipulation/verification, RTP-Relay and presence-support for the “reginfo”-event. Optional, the Rx-Interface for Billing may be enabled.
- The Interrogating-CSCF is a kind of “Loadbalancer” or a entry Proxy for the “home-network” of an IMS setup. The I-CSCF will retrieve the location for a user from the HSS, it will check, where a user is registered or where it should register (based on user-settings, required capabilities later maybe even load). The icscf-module implements the according interfaces towards the HSS (Cx) and according header manipulation/verification methods.
- The Serving-CSCF is acting as a registrar and as decision engine regarding the routing of the Request. It retrieves the user-data and routing rules from the HSS and applies them to the processed requests. The scscf-module implements the according interfaces towards the HSS (Cx), the interfaces towards application-servers (Isc) and according header manipulation/verification methods.
- The MGCF-Module of the OpenIMS core implements header and content manipulation for interconnections towards Class 4 networks.
- The Emergency-CSCF and the Location Ressource Function (LRF) implements IMS compliant emergency call routing. The modules provide required content aggregation methods.
New in Old SIP Router modules
- you can include variables in table name and will be evaluated at runtime. For example:
modparam("acc", "db_table_acc", "acc_$time(year)_$time(mon)")
- above example will write now to table acc_2011_10
- same can be done for missed_calls table name
- second parameter of acc_db_request() supports as well config variables
acc_log_request("200 OK", "acc_$time(year)_$time(mon)");
- by using dialog module, acc can generate user-customizable CDRs at once
- added 'failed_filter' module parameter: a string of failure response codes from 300 to 999 separated by commas. Failed transaction will not be accounted if its response code is in the list even when failed_transaction_flag is set. For example:
modparam("acc", "failed_filter", "401,407")
- db_insert_mode can be set to 1 in order to use INSERT DELAYED when adding the acc records to database
- more modules available in Lua
- auth
- auth_db
- dispatcher
- maxfwd
- presence
- presence_xml
- registrar
- rr
- sdpops
- sqlops
- tm
- xhttp
- New flag 16 to add stale=true to challenge response.
- export of inter-module API (available through Lua)
- option to skip checking version table
- new parameter 'version_table' to be able to disable checking for version table
- useful when connecting to a different database to fetch the password
- Added optional uri_user param to radius_www_authorize().
- two RPC commands added for deleting a configuration value from a cfg framework group instance:
- cfg.del group[id] var
- cfg.del_delayed group[id] var
- added pkg_summary() and shm_summary() - ability to print summary of pkg and shm from config
- reconnect in case of broken connection
- read and set per-dialog variables from script
- provide callbacks to fire on OK and ACK messages following INVITE, respectively
- enable to terminate call programmatically
- dp_translate() returns -2 (instead of -1) if dp with given id does not exist.
- added rpc commands
- dialplan.reload - to reload the records from database
- dialplan.translate - to translate a string using a specific dialplan id
- export of inter-module API (available through Lua)
- new event routes that are called when destinations go on/off-line
- event_route[dispatcher:dst-up]
- event_route[dispatcher:dst-down]
- added RPC commands - new RPC commands to replace the MI ones
- added rpc commands to reload and dump domains
- option to save content of htable to db at shutdown - new 'dbmode' attribute for hash table definition
- if dbmode=1, the content of hash table will be saved back to database table when the sip server is stopped
- default value is 0 - no sync back to database table
- example:
modparam("htable", "htable", "a=>size=8;dbtable=htable;dbmode=1;")
- new attribute 'initval' to hash table definition
- initval can set init integer value for hash table keys, meaning that if the key is not set, the init value is returned by $sht(htable⇒key)
- useful for hash tables holding counters - the value can default to 0, avoiding extra check for $null value
- added two new PVs
- $shtinc(htable⇒key) - add atomically 1 to the value of the item
- $shtdec(htable⇒key) - decrement atomically 1 to the value of the item
- both return the new value of the item
- they work only with items having integer values
- options to store expires value of items in database
- added new function is_myself(uri) to return true if parameters matches 'myself' condition
- print private memory usage per process via rpc
- new rpc command pkg.stats that prints used, free and real_used metrics per process for private memory (pkg)
- you can see how much pkg each process is eating and how much is still available
- should be useful to track pkg memory leaks and/or trigger alerts when there is no more pkg available
- added setdebug(level) - can change the debug level per process
- added resetdebug() - set back the debug level to the global parameter 'debug'
- added mi command clear_statistics - return the values and reset the counters for statistics
- Added optional tag_avp module parameter and made lcr_flags module parameter optional.
- Renamed dont_strip_or_tag_flag module parameter to dont_strip_or_prefix_flag.
- load_gws() can take uri_user param, value of which is used instead of Request URI user part by load_gws() function.
- [from|to][any]_gw functions now check also transport protocol.
- Renamed lcr_gw table's tag field to prefix field.
- Parameters of load_gw() function must be given without quotes.
- Added tag field to lcr_gw table whose value is assigned to possible tag_avp by next_gw() and from_gw() functions.
- Increased lcr_gw tables version number to 2.
- Script that upgrades lcr_gw table from version 3.1 is available as http://box.openxg.com/tmp/lcr_upgrade_from_3.1.sh.
- connect to server for negative ranks - there are some processes with negative rank that need connection to ldap server, like timers
- Added new mode 2 to mt_match() that instead of setting value of longest matching prefix to a pv, sets values of all matching prefixes to an avp so that value of longest matching prefix is in avp index 0.
- new function: is_rfc1918(ip_addr). Checks if the address <ip_addr> is a private range address.
- export of inter-module API (available through Lua)
- the module can work in three modes
- caching
- caching with fallback to database
- database only
- new exported functions to enable the online/offline presentity of a subscriber to be checked from the configuration file.
- pres_check_basic() enables you to find out whether a users basic status matches the string you provide.
- pres_check_activities() enables you to find out whether any of user's listed activities matches the string you provide.
- added new modparam check_remote_contact
- new pseudovariables:
- $timef(format) - string representation of time formatted according to format
- $Tb - epoch of the startup (boottime) of the current process
- $sndto(id) points to next hop address
- $sndfrom(id) points to local socket to be used for sending
- $rmid - request method id
- $mt - return sip message type
- the value is 1 if the sip message is request
- the value is 2 if the sip message is reply
- $Tb - startup time available in a pseudo-variable (boottime)
- $rz - returns r-uri scheme
- possible values: sip, sips, tel and tels
- r-uri scheme parsing error should be reflected by value: none
- new transformations:
- {s.ftime,<format>} - format the epoch in the pvar according to <format>
- {s.sql} - output the pvar as valid SQL value. <null> as NULL, integer as bare number, string as quoted and escaped string
- {s.replace,<search>,<replace>} - replace every occurrence of <search> in the pvar with <replace>
- {s.prefixes[,<max>]}, {s.prefixes.quoted[,<max>]} - create a list of (quoted) prefixes of the pvar, with optional maximum prefix length:
"1234"{s.prefixes,0} => 1,12,123,1234 "123456"{s.prefixes,4} => 1,12,123,1234 "123456"{s.prefixes.quot,4} => '1','12','123','1234'
- new functions:
- is_int() checks if pvar argument contains integer value.
- pcre_match_group() allows pseudo-variable in group parameter
- example:
pcre_match_group("$rU", "$var(num)");
- export of inter-module API (available through Lua)
- added outbound_proxy parameter - set SIP uri where to send subscriptions
- use server_address parameter as contact in replies
- support for resource-list indices that reference other resource-list XML documents (including XPath within documents)
- new exported function to allow re-subscription to a list to be initiated from the configuration file
- added a new exported function: rls_update_subs() - this new function can be called from the Kamailio configuration file to force the RLS module to refresh its back-end subscriptions.
- export of inter-module API (available through Lua)
- record_route_preset takes a second parameter allowing the setting of a second Record-Route header
- new rr param 'enable_socket_mismatch_warning': enables or disables a warning log
- force_rtp_proxy function was removed, you can use rtpproxy_offer() and rtpproxy_answer()
- new function rtpproxy_manage()
- auto-pilot function to handle rtp proxy session management
- it can take same kind of parameters as rtpproxy_offer()
- embeds the functionality of rtpproxy_offer(), rtpproxy_answer() and unfroce_rtp_proxy():
- if INVITE with SDP, then do rtpproxy offer
- if INVITE without SDP, when tm is loaded, mark transaction with internal flag FL_SDP_BODY to know that the 1xx and 2xx are for rtp answer
- if ACK with SDP, then do rtpproxy answer
- if BYE or CANCEL, then do unforce rtpproxy
- if reply to INVITE with code >= 300 do unfrce rtp proxy
- if reply with SDP to INVITE having code 1xx and 2xx, then do rtpproxy answer if the request had SDP or tm is not loaded, otherwise do rtpproxy offer
- aliased rtpproxy_destroy() to unforce_rtp_proxy()
- new parameter autodrop to control automatic dropping of broken messages
- setting it to 0 is good for logging purposes in config file and exiting from there
- trace_to_database configuration parameter - to control whether to write to database or not and just mirror traffic
- use x-headers to add fromip, toip, method, time and direction in the message body (using X-* headers). This allows to transmit them using duplicate_uri from one kamailio to an other.
- store milliseconds part of the time in database
- Added set_uri_user(uri, user) and set_uri_host(uri, host) functions.
- Function tel2sip() replaced by tel2sip(uri, hostpart, result).
- Added is_request() returns true if the SIP message is a request
- Added is_reply() returns true if the SIP message is a reply
- useful to check in sub-routes that can be executed from both request and reply routes
- control exporting registrar records
- exporting of large location database may result in out of shared memory, as well as when the records are not pulled
- new parameter export_registrar was added to enable/disable location records export (off by default)
- xavp support. New function sql_xquery() stores the query result in an xavp.
- BIGINT support. Native support when sql_xquery is used, transformed to string for sql_query().
- new PV $sqlrows(con) - return affected rows of previous query
- new exported function to add “Date:” headers to requests.
- new function is_audio_on_hold() - return true if media stream in SDP is put on hold
- added remove_body() function - remove the body of the sip request/reply
- new parameter 'sanity_checks' - option to bind to sanity for parsing checks
- the module can bind to sanity to perform parsing checks before proceeding to encoding/decoding of received requests
- allow nested backup of avp lists when sending local requests
- asynchronous SIP request processing functions for configuration file
- t_suspend() - suspend the processing of SIP request transaction
- t_continue() - resume the processing of SIP request transaction
- $T(name) - new class of pseudo-variables for accessing transaction attributes:
- internal index, label, the branch index, reply code
- two helper functions to detect route block type
- t_is_failure_route() - return true if it is a failure_route execution
- t_is_branch_route() - return true if it is a branch_route execution
- useful to check in sub-routes executed from different points of config
- added t_reply_callid MI command
- $T(reply_type) to solve ambiguity of received or local replies
- it returns 1 in failure route if the reply was local generated (e.g., timeout), otherwise is 0. If there is no transaction, it returns null.
- new function: uac_reg_request_to. Lookup a local user from the registration table and prepares message variables so the request can be sent to the remote user, using the same credentials as with which the registration has been done.
- updates to internal mechanism of registering as SIP user agents to remote SIP servers
- new parameter 'preload' can be used to specify list of location table to be initiated at startup, even they are not used by registrar module functions. Good for using the usrloc module from inside other modules.
- xavp's are enabled by default now.
- added oma user-profile and pres-content (avatar) support
- support for extra auids:
- org.openmobilealliance.user-profile
- org.openmobilealliance.pres-content
- org.openmobilealliance.search
- support for HTTP 1.1 pre-conditions to enable clients to avoid having to re-download unchanged documents and to check whether documents have changed or not on upload
- ability to insert new nodes in xcap docs
- new module parameter log_facility
- allow to specify syslog facility for messages printed by xlog module
- xlog messages can be diverted now to special file via syslog conf
- export of inter-module API (available through Lua)
New in Core
Config Structure
- request_route { … } can be used instead of main route { … }
- reply_route { … } can be used instead of main onreply_route { … }
- '!!' can be used as alternative to '#!' for pre-processor directives, being easier to distinguish it out of commented lines
- caching support for pv spec parsing
Preprocessor directives
- #!substdef - add a substitution rule and a define at the same time
- #!substdefs - add a substitution rule and a define with string value at the same time
- #!trydef - add a define if not defined already
- #!redefine - force redefinition even if defined already
#! and !! can be used as start of preprocessor directives
Attempt to include a file, but if it is not found, do not throw error like include_file.
- corelog - control the log level for non-critical core error messages
- pv_buffer_size - size in bytes for internal PV buffer (default 1024)
- pv_buffer_slots - home many internal PV buffers (default 10)
- sql_buffer_size - set the size of SQL buffer (default 64k)
- auto_bind_ipv6 - auto-bind or not to IPv6 addresses (default 1 - bind to IPv6)
- added functions remove_branch(index) and clear_branches()
Config Reload Framework
- support for multiple cfg group instances
- add/del_group_inst() updates the local configuration to make sure that cfg_set_*() sees the change when it immediately follows the group instance modification
- @cfg_selected.group added - @cfg_selected.<group_name> returns the selected instance id of the specified group. If no group instance is selected, i.e. the default is used, then empty string is returned.
- @cfg_get supports nested calls - @cfg_get.<group>.<variable> makes use of the already implemented nested select functions to parse the returned value. The following nested calls are supported:
- @cfg.get.<group>.<variable>.nameaddr…
- @cfg.get.<group>.<variable>.uri…
- @cfg.get.<group>.<variable>.params…
- keep PID per DB connection to detect automatically if many processes share same DB connection
SIP Parser
- sdp parser detection of on hold media during sdp parsing
Memory Manager
- core events when pkg usage changes
- option for short status dumping
- pkg mem size configurable form the cmd line
- The pkg mem size used can be configured by using the “-M” parameter on the command line. The default remains 4Mb.
kamailio -M 8 -f test.cfg # start with 8mb of pkg memory
- ser_stun update to RFC 5389
- Removing checking/adding of FINGERPRINT attribute
- Update some attribute values according to new spec
RPC Commands
- added rpc command core.psx
- similar to core.ps but prints the details in RPC structure along with process index, like:
sercmd> core.psx { IDX: 0 PID: 73408 DSC: attendant } { IDX: 1 PID: 73409 DSC: udp receiver child=0 sock= }
New in Documentation
Developer visible changes
- Many bug-fixes to existing doxygen code documentation in modules and core
- Several extensions to doxygen documentation in modules and core
features/new-in-3.2.x.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/19 20:11 by