The page contains the details about the changes that were made to old components during the development of v4.4.0 compared with what existed in v4.3.x. It does not include the brand new modules, focusing on how to upgrade database and configuration file from v4.3.x to run with Kamailio devel.
If you look for the guidelines to upgrade to previous stable release, see:
Following tokens are used to mark the changes:
The dialog-ng module was renamed to ims_dialog.
The modparams statements in your configuration file must be updated to reflect the new name of the module.
# old version modparam("dialog-ng", ...) # new version modparam("ims_dialog", ...)
The functions for routing blocks are the same, no changes are required there.
(INF) This is just heads up notification that the fork parameter is planned to be refactored in the next version, because fork=no disables many features without explicit visibility (e.g., no tcp/tls, only listening on first network interface). The value fork=yes will preserve existing behaviour.
There are quite minimal changes to the database structure, in short:
Run following SQL statements in MySQL client to upgrade database structure from v4.3 to v4.4:
-- table: active_watchers ALTER TABLE active_watchers ADD COLUMN flags INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN user_agent VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL; DELETE FROM version WHERE TABLE_NAME='active_watchers'; INSERT INTO version (`table_name`, `table_version`) VALUES ('active_watchers','12'); -- table: trusted ALTER TABLE `trusted` ADD COLUMN priority INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN ruri_pattern VARCHAR(64) NULL, CHANGE COLUMN tag tag VARCHAR(64) NULL; DELETE FROM version WHERE TABLE_NAME='trusted'; INSERT INTO version (`table_name`, `table_version`) VALUES ('trusted','6'); -- table: uacreg ALTER TABLE uacreg ADD COLUMN reg_delay INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD COLUMN flags INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; DELETE FROM version WHERE TABLE_NAME='uacreg'; INSERT INTO version (`table_name`, `table_version`) VALUES ('uacreg','2');
Run following SQL statements in psql client to upgrade database structure from v4.3 to v4.4:
-- table: active_watchers ALTER TABLE active_watchers ADD COLUMN flags INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE active_watchers ADD COLUMN user_agent VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL; DELETE FROM version WHERE TABLE_NAME='active_watchers'; INSERT INTO version (TABLE_NAME, table_version) VALUES ('active_watchers','12'); -- table: trusted ALTER TABLE TRUSTED ADD COLUMN priority INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE TRUSTED ADD COLUMN ruri_pattern VARCHAR(64) NULL; ALTER TABLE TRUSTED ALTER COLUMN tag TYPE VARCHAR(64); DELETE FROM version WHERE TABLE_NAME='trusted'; INSERT INTO version (TABLE_NAME, table_version) VALUES ('trusted','6'); -- table: uacreg ALTER TABLE uacreg ADD COLUMN reg_delay INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE uacreg ADD COLUMN flags INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL; DELETE FROM version WHERE TABLE_NAME='uacreg'; INSERT INTO version (TABLE_NAME, table_version) VALUES ('uacreg','2');