The SecSIPIDx project released v1.1.0. It offers a C API library and a CLI tool (with the option to run as a  REST API server) to facilitate the implementation of STIR/SHAKEN extensions in SIP applications. See more about at:

Kamailio’s secsipid module, which offers STIR/SHAKEN (RFC8224, RFC 8588) capabilities starting from v5.4.0, is leveraging the library from that project.

Pasting from the release notes of the secsipidx project, among what is new in this version:

  • support for certificate caching in a local folder
  • support to retrieve certificate via C API function parameter (allowing use of application specific caching)
  • generate dynamic library
  • build system using makefiles
  • prepare for Debian packaging
  • man page for secsipidx tool
  • pkg-config file for libsecsipid
  • define flag with version number in libsecsipid C API
  • relicensed to BSD 3-Clause Clear License

Special credits go to Victor Seva, who is working on Debian packaging for it, soon the debs should be available on repository, which will enable installation of Kamailio’s secsipid module from packages as well.

Enjoy and stay healthy!

Thanks for flying Kamailio!